Ch.26: The Order

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A few hours pass by and we sit around catching up and tell eachother tales of the past year. We turn to see the door open with Harry, Moody and other wizards and witches with them. Harry quickly went to greet Sirius and the others. Harry turns to me and we both hug

"Good to see ya Harry"

"You too mate. Where are Ron and Hermione?"

"They're upstairs unpacking. Come on let's go say hi" we both begin to climb up the stairs

A door opens and reveals Hermione walking out. "Harry!" She exclaims giving Harry a big hug while Harry just laughs and struggles a bit

"Hermione! Let him breathe!" Ron says walking out of his room

"Oh Harry! We missed you!" She says hugging him tighter and Harry's face begins to turn purple

"Hermione!" Me and Ron shout causing her to release Harry. Harry takes a big breathe and turns to Ron

"Good to see you mate" Ron says hugging Harry

"Come on inside" Hermione says pulling Harry into the room and Me and Ron follow

"Sorry we haven't written Harry. Dumbledore made us promise not to" Hermione says in an apologetic face

"We wanted to mate. Really it's just that we were afraid that the letters would be intercepted" Ron adds

"Hey just our of curiosity. Why is Dumbledore keeping Harry out of knowledge about this? I mean it can't cause more harm right? He already knows about Voldemort returning" I ask causing Ron and Hermione to look at eachother in awkward silence

"Let me guess. You didn't ask?" Harry questions

"We've only seen him twice and not for very long. And he has been really busy" Ron looks over to us

"So I get to spend summer with the Dursley's while you three get to stay here" Harry says a bit annoyed

"I just got here today" I add sitting down on a bed

"You've still been here!" Harry exclaims before turning to Ron and Hermione. "What's been going on?"

"We aren't priyved to the meeting but we do know a few things" Ron whispers

"Some of the Order are following known Death Eaters, such as Lucius Malfoy-" Hermione informs before turning to me "and they're guarding something"

"What's this Order that Everyone is talking about?" Harry asks

"Its the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore started it last time that they had to fight Voldemort. He reorganized it after last term" I inform him

"You guys can come down now. The meetings over" Sam says opening the door then walking back down. We follow behind and take a seat on the table

Everyone seems to be having a good time and is enjoying the diner that Molly had set up for us

"Well the Ministry is furious with you Harry" Sirius begins

"Why?" He asks

"You did magic in front of that muggle cousin of yours. You'll have to go to a disciplinary meeting tomorrow" Sirius says

"Ok" Harry says standing up. "I'm not really hungry. I'll just go off to bed"

"You surprise me Harry. I'd thought the first thing you would have done us begin to ask about Voldemort" Sirius says to Harry who then turns around

"I wanted to but I'd didn't you'd tell me"

"And that's quite right Harry. You're much to young-" Molly gets interrupted

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