Ch.36: End of Year Pt.1

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The next day we all went to the Great Hall once Ron had recovered

"Tell me again how I broke up with Lavender?" Ron asks us

"Um well, she came to visit you in the hospital, you see, and you talked. I don't believe it was a long conversation" Sarah says blushing a bit

"Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. Its just she seems a bit put out" Ron says as we glance at her quickly

"Does doesn't she? You said that you don't remember a thing from that night? Not one thing?" Sarah asks

"Well... there was one thing" Ron scratches his head. "But no it can't be. Besides I was completely boggled up wasn't I?"

"Yeah... boggled up" Sarah looks down

"Hey look that's Katie" Hermione points over to a girl standing and talking. "Katie Bell"

Harry gets up and goes to talk to her. I turn to the door and see Malofy glance at an angry Harry before he hurries back out. I quickly stand up and follow behind him and Harry. I follow them into a bathroom.

"What's going on?" I ask stepping in before Malfoy blasts a spell at me but misses and runs off

I take out my wand and follow behind him and he continues to blast spells and I do as well as Harry. He leads us to an opening and blasts us only to miss and hit a pipe that explodes and rains water down on us

"Cruci-" he begins

"Stupify" I cast

"Sectumsempra" Harry casts

We watch as Malfoy slumps down onto the floor. His shirt is quickly drenched with water and blood. We hear a noise and turn to see Snape running in and glaring at us before we run off. We return to the common room and sit quietly. Ginny then suggested that she and Harry hide the book of the Half Blood Prince leaving me, Ron and Hermione alone

"What happened?" Ron asks me

"When we were in the Great Hall, I saw Malfoy look at Harry then quickly scurry off. I left to follow them and we went into a bathroom" I answer

"What else happened?"

"Malfoy was looking at himself in the mirror and crying"

"Crying? For what reason?" Hermione questions

"I don't know. As soon as I walked in and questioned, Malfoy started a brawl. He lead us to an opening in with he tried to cast Crucio on us but before he did I casted Stupify and Harry casted Sectumsempra" I say rubbing my eyes

"Oh my god. Were you guys caught?" Ron asks

"No. But Snape did walk in on us and only glared as we quickly fled"

"You two better be careful. Do you know how much trouble you could be in?" Hermione scolds

"I know it's just... for the first time. I actually felt bad for Malfoy... like he was hurt"

"Why feel for that bloody weasel?" Ron says angrily

"I don't know"

"In any case, let's just hope that nothing bad happens to you two because of this" Hermione says

Later that evening we were walking through a corridor to meet up with Harry. We see him walking down looking rather saddened

"Did you and Ginny do it?" Ron asks

"What!?" Harry backs up a bit

"You know. Hide the book"

"Oh yeah"

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