Ch.40: Locket Quest

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We were all lounging about in a drawing room at 12 Grimmauld Place still waiting for Kreacher to return with the traitor. Ron and Sarah were fiddling with a radio trying to get it to work. Harry was laying down on a couch holding his snitch. Hermione and I were just sitting around until Hermione broke the silence

"They have flesh memories. Snitches. They're never touched by bare skin until the Seeker catches it. Even the wizard who fabricates them wears gloves. That way if there is a dispute, the snitch can identify who first touched it"

"You mean... it remembers me?"

"Yes. When Scrimgeour first gave it to you I thought it would have open at your touch. That maybe Dumbledore had hidden something in it"

We hear a sudden crash of objects foming from the kitchen and we all go to head towards it. There we see an all too familiar elf

"Harry Potter! So long its been" Dobby exclaims as they both shake hands

Just then a hand comes from the room over and snatches Dobby into the room however Mundungus, Kreacher and Dobby all tumble out of the room with Mundungus' wand flashing

"Expelliarmus" Hermione casts knocking the wizard's wand off his hand and onto Hermione's

"As requested. Kreacher has returned with the thief Mundungus Fletcher"

"Dobby has also returned with the thief Mindungus Flethcer"

"What are you playing at? Sending these two bleedin house elves on me?" Mundungus says angrily

Dobby goes on pleading that he only tried to help and that he went along with Kreacher once he mention Harry

"I'm no thief you foul little git. I'm a purveyor of rare and wonderous objects-"

"Yeah and I'm a park ranger. Just zip it Mundungus. You're a thief, everyone knows it" I say

"Master L/n so good to see you again" Dobby walks over and shakes my hand

"Good to see you to Dobby"

"Listen I panicked that night. I never volunteered to die for you mate. Can't I help it that Mad-eye fell off his broom" Dung pleaded

"Stop lying!" Harry shouts in anger

"When you turned this place over, and don't deny it, you found a locket am I right?" I question

"Why? Was it valuable?"

"You've still got it" Hermione says

"No. He is worried that he should have gotten more money from it" Sarah says

Dung goes on to explain that he was walking in Diagon Alley when a Ministry woman came to him and almost locked him up only if she hadn't taken a liking to the locket and took it

"Who was she? The witch?" Harry asks

"Well she is right there isn't she? Bow and all"

The next morning came and we were all near the entrance to the Ministry we had ambushed a few people and taken their clothes. We drank Polyjuice potion and began to infiltrate the Ministry. Once we entered we all went our separate ways. They all went to look for Umbridge while I steered of goal and went to the department of S.O.S. Once I arrived there I entered the dad's old office

"Ok let's see what we have here"

I began to go through papers and drawers to see what I could find. There as an hour glass that I flipped over and revealed a hidden compartment. I opened it and there was a key. I searched around the room for the keyhole and I found a cabinet near the end of the room. I opened it and revealed a case file labeled 'L/n Family' I opened the file and there was a personal page on dad, mum, Sam and me

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