Ch.10: Into the Chamber

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We arrive at our dorm rooms late at night. We look around the room and see that everyone is fast asleep.

"Good night Harry" I say walking over to bed

"Goodnight" Harry replies going to sit on a chair near a desk

I fall asleep and drift of into a deep sleep. I open my eyes and see myself in a dark room. A take a few steps before walking through a door frame and seeing my house. Walking in I see a man standing there. He is about 6ft 3 inches and seems to have a well built physique. He has black spiky hair and white skin, wearing a black shirt with blue pants and white shoes

"Excuse me sir but who are you?" I ask slowly approaching the man

"Geez has it really been that long?" He says turning around

"Sam!" I say running over to give him a hug but faze through him

"We can't interact physically here in your dream space" he begins to explain as I pay attention. "Listen I don't have a lot of time to spare. Something dangerous is about to happen in the school. I fear that it will put you and your friends in danger. I believe it has to do with the Chamber of Secrets right?" He says

"Yes but how do you know this what is going on?" I ask getting confused as ever

"Look I'll explain in due time but listen you have to be ready for what is to come these next couple of days. And please promise me that you will come out of it alive as well as Harry" he says beginning to fade as i hear a muffled ans distance voice

"Wait what do you mean? How do you know Harry?" I asks seeing him disappear

"Don't worry about it just take care love y-" he gets cut off

"Y/n!" I wake up seeing Harry on the side of my bed shaking me awake as I seeing Ron rubbing his eyes and yawning

"What is going on?" I ask him

"It was Hagrid. Hagrid is the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago" Harry says in a panicked state

"Ugh" I say closing my eyes and going back to sleep

The next day Hermione is finally better and we walk around the school

"It couldn't be Hagrid. It just can't be" Hermione says in a saddened tone

"We don't know this Riddle. He sounds like a dirty little snitch to me" Ron says

"That monster killed someone. What would anyone of us done?" Harry asks looking at me

"Well based on our track record we will most likely try and mind it like we pretty much are now" they all turn to me. "Anyways Hagrid is our friend let's just go over there talk to him about it"

"Yeah that'd be a cheerful visit. Hello Hagrid released anything mad and hairy on the loose in the castle lately?" Ron says sarcastically

"Mad an' hairy? Wouldn be talkin about me now are ya?" Hagrid asks appearing before us

"No!" The four of us remark with guilty looks on our faces

"What's that you got there Hagrid?" Harry asks pointing at the bucket that Hagrid is holding

"Oh a bit of flesh-eatin slug repellant. You know for the Mandrakes." Hagrid begins to explain before Neville runs up to us out of breathe

"Harry! Y/n! I don't know who did it but... you'd better come" Neville exclaims as we run to where he is leading us

We run back to the Gryffindor and find the room a giant mess with Harry's side of the room is a complete disaster. I quickly run to a hidden compartment in a drawer by my bed and make sure no one in looking before opening it and seeing my book still there. I sigh in relief and join the others

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now