Ch.29: D.A

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Later into the night I awoke to the sound of something tapping on the window. I sat up and walked over to see what it was. It turned out to be Sam who was pecking the window to get in. I opened it and he flew in transforming back to normal

"Hey Y/n how're holding up" he says signaling my hand

"Its alright now. The pain is gone. Now it's just the burn marks that need to heal"

"Good. Listen I have to tell you something..."

"Is it that you were fired?"

"Yes. I'm guessing Sirius told you about it?"

"He did. You gonna be ok?"

"I have no problem with it. Its dad I'm worried about"

"You think the Ministry is going to gi after him next?"

"Most likely. Look..." he walks over placing a hand on my shoulder "you have to be very careful alright. Dumbledore told me that something is going to happen at the school. He has informed me of some very key details in the school. He told me to only use this information only if need be"

"You're not gonna tell me are you?"

"If need be" he replies walking out the window and flying away

I sigh and close the window. I walk back to bed and fall asleep. The next day we went to the Great Hall. It was just me, Harry and Ron. Just then Hermione walks over and slaps down a clipping of the Daily Prophet on the table

"I cannot believe it!" She exclaims angrily

"Ministry passes Educational Decree number Twenty-Three: Dolores Umbridge appointed Hogwarts High Inquisitor" Ron reads aloud

"Oh God" I say facepalming

"What does that mean?" Ron asks

"It says here" I say pointing below the article "Inquisitor had the power to inspect all of the teachers"

"You're kidding!" Harry adds

"That's not all. The High Inquisitor has the power to sack any teacher as well" Hermione explains

After our discussion, we head off for Diviniation class with Trelawney. The class got really heated, what with Umbridge making Trelawney nervous and uneasy.

Several weeks had passed and now we are in October. Walking through Hogsmeade Village, we began to question Hermione who took us here without an explanation

"What are we doing here in Hogsmeade?" I ask

"There we are" she says as we come to an abrupt stop

"The Hog's Head?" Ron reads the sign of the local

"Come on I'll explain in a minute" she says and we all walk in

Walking in we now realize that Hermione took us to a pub. She lead us upstairs and into a room where we saw many familiar faces.

"Got as much as I could" Sam whispers to Hermione

"Thanks" she replies and he nods

"Hermione what is going on?" Harry asks

"These are the people I mention my Defense Against the Dark Arts idea with. I told them and had Sam gather them and bring them here" she answers

"Hi everyone. I thought it would be good if we met and talked over how we wanted to teach ourselves in D.A.D.A. Because we need to learn it properly not like the rubbish tha Umbridge is having us doing" Hermione explains to everyone

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now