Ch. 18: Brother

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"Sam!" I shout running over and hugging him. We both embraced for a while longer before Dumbledore walked out to us

"Mr. L/n you have arrived. I see the travel went well?" Dumbledore asks as we stop hugging and Sam sniffles a bit

"Yeah. It's good to see you Professor" Sam says walking over as they shake hands before hugging

"How've you been?" Dumbledore asks before they separate

"I've been good. I can see you have as well" Sam says before turning to us. "You four" he says pointing to Me, Hermione, Harry, and Ron. "I will wait pick you all up at Diagon Alley tomorrow. I have already informed your parents, Ron Hermione" he says before turning to Dumbledore to continue talking to him

"How does he know our names?" Ron asks as we all shrug

"And what does he want with us?" Harry asks

"Ok thanks Professor" Sam says turning to us. "I'll be waiting for you there tomorrow. Until then" he says before transforming into a crow and flys away.

The next day came and we were all down by the train platform waiting. We had said our goodbyes to our Professors and had begin to go into the train together. We go into an empty compartment with me sitting on the right with Hermione. And Harry and Ron across from us.

"What do you suppose your brother wants from us Y/n?" Hermione asks

"I don't know. I hardly slept last night thinking about it" I say before someone opens to compartment door

"Hey is it ok if I sit here with you? Everywhere else is full" Sarah asks as I remember her

"Yeah sure!" Ron exclaims scooting over and pushing Harry a bit to make space

"Thank you" Sarah says taking a seat

"Its been a while hasn't it Sarah?"I ask smiling

"Wow I hardly recognized you" Sarah says

After everyone introduced themselves to Sarah, it appeared that Harry and Ron couldn't take there eyes off of her. She has changed since first year. Both Harry and Ron kept competing with each other to make her laugh which was amusing seeing the two argue a bit. A few hours later we arrived at Diagon Alley. Getting off the train Sarah hugged Harry and Ron goodbye making them flustered which caused me and Hermione to laugh. I looked around and spotted a crow perched over a shop starring at me. Sam then nudged us to follow

"Come on guys let's go" I say as we begin to follow. Sam took us quite a ways from Diagon Alley to the outskirts of the local

"Ok guys" he says transforming back. "This a Portkey. It can be used to travel to different locations in the matter of seconds" he says putting down a shoe

"Uh that's a shoe" I say

"Just put your hand on it" Sam says annoyed before we oblige. Putting our hand on the shoe, we begin to spin around like a helicopter before we are in a type of vortex and we all scream. "All right let go now" Sam says letting go and we do as well. We all reappear outside my home not before we all land on our backs except Sam. "Its good to be home" Sam says walking inside

"You live here?" Ron asks

"Yeah I told you guys I lived on a farm didn't I?" I say

"Yes bet not one near the ocean view" Harry says in awe

"Let's go inside" I say as we walk in. I look around then to Sam. "Hey where's dad?"

"He's taking care of some business with the Ministry. So I'm here taking care if you" Sam says before sitting down on the arm chair. "Ok guys take a seat. I want to talk to you. First I want to tell Y/n where I've been all these years. I'm sure dad reluctantly told you that I am an Auror for the Ministry and I fight against the Dark Arts right?" He asks and I nod. "Well that first question has been answered that's what I've been doing all this time"

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