Ch.14: Hogsmeade

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Two weeks had past since the whole incident with the Boggart in Lupin's class. Today is the day that the 3rd year students had our field trip to Hogsmeade Village.

"Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege will not be extended again." Mcgonagall threatens as we each pass by her giving her the permission slips.

Harry goes up to Mcgonagall and asks if she can sign the slip for him and she gives a polite no as only a parent or guardian can sign it.

"Its alright guys have fun" Harry says with a saddened tone and walks away

We walk outside of the castle gates and there we see carriages waiting to take us to Hogsmeade

"The carriages can only carry up to three people so group up" Mcgonagall tells us

"Hey Ron wanna come?" I ask as Hermione stands behind me

"No I'll rather go with Seamus and Neville" Ron replies while walking over to me and comes to my ear. "Here's your chance alone with Hermione" he says laughing as he walks away and I stand there blushing

"What were you two talking about?" I turn to see Hermione standing close beside me

"Oh uh looks like its gonna be us two only" I say chuckling nervously

"Great then let's go" she says taking my hand and running over to the carriages before we get on

We arrive at Hogsmeade and begin to explore

"The carriages will return in 3 hours. Now you all enjoy yourselves" Mcgonagall says as she begins to walk into the Village with students behind her

"Ok" I say helping Hermione off the carriage. "Let's see" I say as we walk into the Village.

"Hey look the postal office" she says pointing the the building a few blocks away

"Come on let's go" I say as we jog over to the office

Once we walk in we see a large amount of owls all perched on color coordinated shelves

"Wow" Hermione smiles in awe making me smile as I have never seen this adorable child side of her. After walking a bit inside and looking around, we went back outside. "Ok now you pick a spot"

"Hm" I say looking around. "Let's go there" I say pointing at the sign saying 'Honeydukes'

"Ok" she replies as we walk over

Hermione POV
We walk into Honeydukes candy shop and walk around the shop. Y/n kept picking up and inspecting every piece of candy he could find. I smiled at his child like behavior as he walked around amazed by all of the candy he is seeing

"What's this little piece?" Y/n says getting a piece of white candy

"Its a Bubble Bomb Gum" I reply taking one and putting it in my mouth. "See look" I say opening my mouth after chewing the gum. Y/n looks in amazement as small bubbles come out of my mouth and pop giving off a sweet and minty smell

"Brilliant. Better take some of those" he says picking up a bag

"Y/n have you never been in a candy shop?" I ask

"No" he says looking around then to me. "I mostly grew up on the farm. I never really went to the city growing up because my dad, while he never told me but I assumed, was that we may encounter some one or something that may hurt me. Which caused me to miss out on stuff like this" he said as he picked up some more candy. "Come on let's go pay" he said leaving me to think

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