Ch.34: Total Drama Hogwarts

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That evening we went to Slughorn's office for the supper he had invited us. Walking in and sitting down, I noticed a few familiar faces

"A toast!" Slughorn says standing up "to Hogwarts' best and brightest"

"Here, here" the guy known as Cormac cheers

"Which one do I use for the soup?" Neville asks me looking at the array of silverware in front of him

"I don't know" I respond

"You use that one" Sarah says pointing at the medium sized spoon

I see her smile and look up to notice Cormac who smiles at her and winks which causes her to turn to me and I shrug

A few minutes pass by and we were having light conversations

"What about you miss Granger? What is it your family does in the muggle world?" Slughorn asks

"My parents are dentists. They tend to people's teeth" she answers

"Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?"

"No. Though a boy named Robbie did bite my fathe once. Needed ten stiches" this causes the other people to become intrigued

"Well what about you Mr. L/n? What is it that your family does?"

"I wouldn't want to kill the mood. It's best that we leave it at that" I say looking and picking at my food

"Very well"

Just then we here a knock at the door and Slughorn goes to open it

"You ok? We can go if you want to" Hermione whispers

"No it's fine. No harm done" I smile slightly and she nods

"Miss Weasley! Come in Come in" Slughorn steps aside allowing Ginny to walk in

"Sorry. I'm not ordinarily late" she says

We can see that her eyes are red and she looks distraught

"Look they've been fighting again" Hermione whispers to me and Harry

"Yeah" he replies

Ginny approaches the table and Harry is the only one who stands up. Hermione and I quickly glance to eachother and smile then look to Harry with a grin

"What?" He asks

"Nothing" Hermione replies causing me to laugh a bit

After desert we all take our leave. Harry stayed back to get to know Slughorn and hopefully probe information about him. Hermione, Sarah and I were walking in a hall back to our dormitories

"Did you see the way that Harry was looking at Ginny?" Sarah asks

"Yes. It's clearly obvious that he may have feelings for her" I say

"Miss Glenwood may I speak with you?" Professor Flitwick comes from his classroom

"If course. Good night guys" she waves

"Good night" we reply

Hermione and I continue to walk and arrive at the common room

"Good night" I say leaning in and kiss her

"Good night. I love you" she blushes hard

"I love you too"

I walk into the dorm and change. I lay on my bed and take out the book that Sam gave me. I flip through the pages scimming through every page

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now