Finale pt.3: The Last Duel

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...Strong winds blew in the air. Elsewhere Harry and Voldemort had begun their battle in the Forbidden Forest

"It appears that Ben is having difficulty defeating his sons. Figures. Those boys do have my blood in them" Voldemort says smiling

"My lord shall Bellatrix and I go and check on their battle?" Asked Lucius

"No. Let them have their battle. My grandsons are capable of themselves. My question is: if Ben can handle himself" Voldemort says reading his wand

Back to the battle in the courtyard, Hermione and Y/n had protected themselves from the strong winds and they returned they sights to the battle

"Oh my-" Hermione begins

"God" Y/n finishes

Ben had a piece of debris in his hand that was stabbing through Sam's lower abdomen. Sam had his wand to the side of Ben's face. Ben slowly turned to Y/n with half of his faces burned deeply. He removes the debris and Sam slowly falls

"Sam!" Y/n shouts taking out his wand. "Ok I'm done standing around! Hermione take of Sam"

"Y/n please don't-"

"Just do it please!" Y/n shouts making Hermione nod

Ben walks over to Y/n and he does so as well. They both face eachother with a several feet separating them. Hermione had run up to a know unconscious Sam

"Don't worry Sam you'll be alright" Hermione says placing her wand over Sam's wound. She eyes the Sam's wand and picks it up putting it into her pocket

"Sam thought he could prevent you from using the wand. That boy was to dumb to realize that he wasn't strong enough to kill me" Ben says

"He showed what it means to fight for what he cares about the most. I won't let his efforts fall in vain! I will fight for my brother, Hermione, mother and everyone else I care about!"

Y/n begins to blast Ben and he counters with his own spells as well. Somewhere beneath the courtyard in the lake below lies Cedric who had slowly regained consciousness from his battle against the DeathEater who took him away from the fight

"I-I have to go up there" he says straining to get up

The father and son continue to clash until it Y/n starts to have a negative reaction due to the wand's curse. Y/n staggers back and stops casting spells grabbing his head and screaming in pain

"This is too easy" snickered Ben. "Diffindo" he casts sending a large single slice going towards Y/n

"Reducto" Y/n manages to cast making the spell reduce in size

The diffindo spell continues it's way to Y/n and makes contact slicing Y/n's left eye. He let's a roaring shout hand holds onto his eye as blood pours out of it

"Tell me something my boy. What is your mother's name?" Ben smiles

"Mary? No that's not it" Y/n says quietly. "I-I don't know"

Ben let's out a sinister and pleased laugh. "Oh it's all gone now my boy. But let's make it more interesting" he slowly closes the distance between him and Y/n

Ben continues until a blast stops Ben making him turn to Hermione

"You filthy Mudblood"

"Don't you dare take another step closer to him!"

"Even if he doesn't remember you, you continue to fight for him? Why is that?" Ben asks

"Because that is what true love is! I love him more than anything and I'm going to fight with and defeat you!"

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now