Year 3 Ch.12: Train Ride

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I woke up to the sound of a crow chirping on my window stand. For the past several weeks this crow has been here just watching at me. Through summer break I had hit a growth spurt this caused me to get slightly taller and my voice to change a bit. I have also gone from a slender body to a slightly more muscular tone. It wasn't a drastic change just a bit.

"Hey there little guy back again?" I ask petting the bird's beak

Today was the day that we were going to meet the Weasleys and the Grangers at the Leaky Cauldron at London to get ourselves ready for our third year at Hogwarts. It was 5 in the morning and the sun was barely beginning to wake so it was still a bit dark out

"Y/n? You ready to go?" Dad asks opening the door

"Yeah. Hey dad does this crow belong to you or anyone you know?"

"No but I see that the bird has taken a liking in you. Come now we must go to the Weasley's" he says as I get my trunk and follow soon

"Later birdy" I say closing my window as it flies away

We leave our home and go to The Burrow. Once we get there we see Arthur and Molly awake sitting on there dinner table

"Ah hello Ben its wonderful to see you again" Arthur says as he gets up and shakes my dad's hand. "Good to see you too Y/n" I shake his hand

"Hello there you two. Just in time I have breakfast ready" she says putting out plates

"Y/n do you mind if I have a word with you outside?" Arthur asks

"Not at all"

We go into another room and he puts both of his hands on my shoulders

"I know that last year might have been rough but I just need to make sure that you are all right"

"Yeah it was rough at first but after some long thinking I decided that just because Voldemort is my grandfather it won't mean I will change who I am. I am still the same person and I can't change the past only hope to change the future"

"Well good to see that you haven't lost sight of who you are" just then Ron comes downstairs

"Y/n!" He calls out noticing that he too has gotten taller and now had a squeaky voice

"Ron!" I reply as we greet each other

"How you been with the whole family issue?" He asks

"I have been doing better" I reply with a smile and we both sit for to enjoy some breakfast before we depart. After breakfast we go into the fire place to go the Diagon Alley. Once we walk we go to the Leaky Cauldron to check into a room we put our belongings there and return downstairs. Walking downstairs I see Hermione sitting in a chair with a brown cat

"Hermione!" I call

"Y/n!" She replies standing and rushing over to me and hugs me tightly as I do as well

"My god you have changed since last time I saw you" she says looking me up and down

"Y-yeah. I see you have as well" I say in a blush and she blushes as well

"How are handling it? You know the whole family ordeal?" She asks in a whisper

"Well at first it was hard to accept but as I told Arthur I can't change the past only hope to change the future" I say as she smiles

Later the three of us sit and catch up with each other and we turn to notice that Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, is ruining around chasing Scabbers.

"I'm warning you Hermione. Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy!" Ron threatens picking Scabbers up as I start to laugh

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