Ch.46: The Near End

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We all put our right hands over eachother. First being Harry, Sarah, Ron, Hermione, then me

"We all ready?" I ask

"Let's do it" Harry nods

We all warp to a dark alley way in Hogsmeade. The place was swarming to DeathEaters

"This is insane. How are we gonna get around here" Sarah says

"I don't know. Just follow my lead" I say as I creep to a corner and peek my head before running to another alley way with the others following me

"Hey!" We hear a DeathEater shout making us stop and turn

"That's Harry Potter and Y/n L/n" another DeathEater says

Before we knew it it we were being chased by four D.E.'S

"Stupe-" before I could finish

"Expelliarmus!" Harry casts knocking over a D.E.

I look up at Harry who looks back at me and shakes his head

"Oh shut up" I say as we continue to run

After running a bit more we stop at an alley way to rest

"Harry Potter in here" we hear a voice call

Harry turns to the door from where the  voice was heard and enters inside. The others look at me and I shrug before I enter the building

"You're Aberforth" Harry points out


"Dumbledore's brother" I answer. "Its you that sent Dobby wasn't it"

"Where've you left him?" Aberforth asks

"He... he's dead" Harry looks down

"Sorry to hear it. I liked that elf"

"How'd you come by it?" Harry asks looking at a painting of a woman

"Mundungus Flethcer. Bout a year ago" he answers

"Dung had no right selling it to you. It belonged to-"

"Sirius. Albus told me. He also told me that you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out that I had it. But ask yourself, where would you be if I hadn't?"

Harry looks down then to the picture

"Right then. Reckon you're hungry. Let's get you fed. Then think of the best way to get you out of here" Aberforth gives us a plate of sandwiches with some butterbeer

"Do you hear much from the others? From the order?" Hermione asks taking a bite of the sandwich

"The Order is Finished. You know who's won. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves" he replies

"We need to get to Hogwarts. Dumbledore gave us a job to do" Harry says

"Did he now? Nice job? Easy?"

"We've been hunting Horcruxes. We have reason to believe that there is one at the school. But we need you help getting in" I answer

After a heated discussion with Aberforth he finally gave in and walked over to the picture

"You know what to do" he says and the woman smiles and turns to walk away

"Where have you sent her?" I ask

"That's Ariana isn't it? Your sister she's beautiful" Sarah says

"She'll always be beautiful" he smiles

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