Year 6 Ch.31: Summer Lovin

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"Come on guys hurry in here" Hermione says rushing us into a compartment

We walk in and place our trunks on top of the shelves then sit down

"Anything off the trolley dears?" Asks the woman with the trolley

"No thanks" Ron said

"None for me thank you" Sam adds

"I'll take a licorice wand" Harry gives her the galleons

"Do you want anything Hermione?" I ask and she shakes her head

"No thank you I'm fine"

"Ok. I'll take a chocolate frog" I pay and receive the frog then sit back down

"What are you guys gonna do during your summer vacation?" Ron asks

"Well Y/n is coming over to spend vacation at my house" Hermione says blushing and flustered a bit

"Ooooooo" Harry, Ron and Sam laugh

"Oh grow up" I say sitting next to Hermione. "Don't listen to them"

"I don't care about them. They can have their fun. I'm just happy to spend time alone with you" she leans her head in my shoulder and I kiss the top of her head

"Well what about you guys?" I ask

"Mum and dad are taking us to Romania to see my brother Charlie"

"I'm not gonna do much" Harry says in a low voice

"I'll probably just stay home and help dad around the farm" Sam says

After the train ride was over we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Hermione and I were walking I to Diagon Alley and we arrived outside of Gringotts

"Oh my little baby is back!" Mrs. Granger exclaims while giving Hermione a big bear hug

"Now now honey don't want to hurt our little girl" Mr. Granger hugs Hermione

"Mum dad you've met Y/n before" Hermione re-introduces me

"Yes how can we forget our future son in law!" Mrs. Granger exclaims hugging me

"Mum!" Hermione shouts nervously causing Mr. Granger to laugh

"How've you been?" He asks

"I've been good" I answer shaking his hand

"We better get going" Mr. Granger walks and we follow behind him

We walked for a little and entered a blue car and drove off. The ride home was rather interesting. Mrs. Granger kept asking questions about Hermione and I so that made Hermione flustered

"Here we are Heathgate" Mr. Granger says stepping out of the car

"I'm sure you're used to more magical homes" Mrs. Granger adds

"I am but this is just as nice" I smile looking at the house

We go inside and Hermione shows me to the guest room

"I'll be across the hall if you need anything" she says leaning on the door frame

"Thanks" I say walking over and pulling her into a kiss

"I'm glad you're here"

"Me too"

Hermione POV
It has been a few weeks since Y/n been with us. I love waking up and seeing him every morning laughing and talking with my parents. Y/n and dad are in the living room talking and watching TV and I am in the kitchen with mum helping her cook

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