Ch.42: Locket and Sword

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Later into the night Harry was still outside keeping watch. Sarah had gone to sleep and Hermione was getting ready for bed

"Come on Y/n you need some sleep" Hermione says sitting on her bed

"Thanks but I'm gonna stay awake for a few. Something about Harry has been bothering me. I wanna make sure he doesn't do anything rash" I yawn

"Ok. Just don't stay awake to long"

"Ok" I chuckle



After Hermione fell asleep I sat on a step near the entrance to the tent looking out to Harry who was sitting by a tree. I walk out and join Harry sitting beside him. I glance at him and I notice that he is looking out into the distance

"Do you think we can do this. Killing him I mean?" He asks still looking ahead

"I don't know Harry. But as I told Hermione before, I can only hope that we do. And I'll make sure that we do no matter what it costs me"

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For being my friend. Always by my side no matter what"

"You can thank my mum for that. But I still wouldn't have it any other way" we both smile but immediately turn to a noise in front of us

"Is that a doe?" Asks Harry

"Is that a Patronus charm?" I question

We both look at eachother before the doe proceeds to move away from us but turns its head as if it wants to follow us. The doe begins to lead us to a iced lake before it disappears. We walked a little over to where it vanished and when we looked down we saw the sword of Gryffindor

"Accio sword" I cast with Hermione's wand, hoping the sword would emerge from the water but doesn't

"Diffindo" Harry casted with my wand causing the ice to break apart and leave a small entry

"What're you doing?"

"I'm gonna get the sword" Harry says taking off his shirt and pants

"Are you mad? Do you know how freezing that water is going to be?"

"No. But we have more important matters to solve which we can't without that sword"

"Alright" I say in a sigh and give Harry some space

Harry looks at me then jumps into the water. I see his figure slowly descend into the water. I turn to see some rustling from nearby tree and a glow begins to appear from it

"A crow?" I question looking at the Patronus in front of me

I look at Harry then back at the crow and I begin to follow it. It lead me quite a few distance from Harry and when the Patronus disappeared, two men came stepped into the moonlight

"Sam? Remus?" I question the two

"We don't have a lot of time to talk" said Remus in a worried tone

"He's right. The nerby woods are crawling with snatchers" Sam adds looking around

"Well What're are two here for?" I ask

"For this" Sam tosses me a roll of parchment

I open it and it has a familiar handwriting

"What is this?"

"We believe that it belonged to Ben. Read it"

"Ok. 'I have done many things. Some things that even I have begun to question. I raised my wand against loved ones, I lied to get what I wanted, and I hurt those who apposed me. It's to much to bear. Is it wrong that I find excitment in the misery of others?' Bloody hell" I say after finishing reading the parchment

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now