Ch.7: The Petrified

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Hermione and I were sitting and talking with each other while eating our snacks

"So Hermoine how was you summer vacation?" I ask taking a bite of a licorice wand

"It was rather fun. Mum and dad took us out on a 3 week cruise and that was quiet the experience. Other than that not much else happened. What about you?" She asks taking a bite out of a chocolate frog

"Well when we got back home from Diagon Alley I got grounded after my dad found out about that whole Stone adventure we had. So he made sure I was to be prepared for anything when in case something like that happens again."

"Really? What did you do?"

"I had to study some advanced books about jinx counters, potion brewing, and the most exhausting was learning how to duel"

"Your father taught you how to duel?" She asks in a shock face

"Well yes and no I spent most of the summer reading those books so by the near the end of the summer he only taught me about basic dueling stances and regulations. It was exhausting because he had spent the entire time teaching me about spells to fight"

"Y/n just dont go around picking fights and getting into trouble with Malfoy" she says giving me a concerned look

"I'll try not to" I say looking out the window as we had arrived

All students had walked out of the Express and had to go into the castle. Much like first year we had arrived during the night and had to go the Great Hall to see the assortment of the new students. After introductions of the staff and teachers, the feast had begun and I kept looking up at the door.

"Still wondering where they are?" Hermione asks looking at the door as well

"Yes its weird we didn't see them on the train or the boat ride here" I say looking down to the food and begin to eat

Later that night we went to our Gryffindor house and there we saw Harry and Ron

"Guys where have you been!?" I ask as they looking at me

"Heh kind of a long story" Harry says in a smile

After Harry explained the whole situation about him not responding to us because he didn't get the letters due the house elf, Dobby, the also said that they were late to enter the station so they had to steal Mr. Weasley's car. After catching up a bit we all went to our dorms to sleep and get ready for the next day.

The following morning a couple of us are walking to a green house for our first class

"Detention on the first day?" Neville asks Harry and Ron

"That must be some kind of record" Seamus adds looking over to them

"I think you should count yourselves lucky that's all you got" Hermione says to them

"I should think you should mind your own business" Ron replies to Hermione as the glare to eachother and I shake my head

After walking a bit farther we make it to Greenhouse Three and see the teacher, Professor Sprout walk in.

"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Today we will be re-potting Mandrakes, now can any one tell me properties of a Mandrake? Ah Yes Ms. Granger" she say pointing to Hermione who had her hand up

"Mandrakes, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been transfigured to their original state. It's also quite dangerous as the Mandrake's cry is fatal to any one who hears it" she answers looking over to me as I give her thumbs up and she smiles

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