Ch.39: Twin Wands

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After the visit from the Minster of Magic, we all proceeded to finish getting ready for the wedding. Once the wedding had begun, Remus and Tonks pulled me aside from the rest of the guests

"Y/n there is something we wanted to tell you" Remus says smiling happily

"Sure. What is it?" I ask intrigued

"Well you see we... we are expecting a little one" Tonks says rubbing her belly

"No way! Congratulations you two" I say happily and hug them

"Thank you" Remus smiles

"We wanted to ask something of you" Tonks says


"We want you to be the godfather" Remus smiles

"Wow... I-I don't know what to say" I chuckle lightly

"Say yes" Tonks replies

"Ok yeah. Yes I'll do it" I smile nodding

We hug again and them proceed back to the wedding. I hear a slow song playing and I take Hermione to the dance floor

"What's with that smile?" She asks

"Remus and Tonks are expecting. And I'm gonna be the godfather" I say happily

"What!? That's amazing"

"Isn't it"

We continue to dance and I look up to Ron who is staring at Sarah across the group of people. I shake my head and sigh a bit before Hermione moves my head to meet hers and she moves in for a kiss. The kiss was cut short do to a Patronus appeared in the middle of the dance floor

"The Ministry has fallen" the Patronus begins playing a hologram of sorts. "The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming"

With that the Patronus dissipates and smoke figures begin to come crashing down on the party. Everyone begins to scatter and run. I take Hermione's hand and lead her towards Harry and Ron. Many people begin to warp as the wizards and witches who stayed begin to battle the DeathEaters

"Sarah come on!" I shout taking her hand and running into Harry and Ron before we warp to a new location

"That was a close one" Ron sighs

"Not yet. Move!" Sarah shouts and pushes us to safety from an incoming bus

"Is everyone ok?" I ask and they all nod

We begin to walk down the street and then into an alleyway

"We are we exactly?" Ron asks

"Shaftesbury Avenue. I used to come here to the theater with my mum and dad. Just popped into my head... I don't know why" Hermione says sadly and I rub her back comforting her

"Here is a good spot" I say stopping near a dead end

"For what exactly?" Harry asks

"We need to change" Sarah says as she and Hermione pull out a bag and begin to take out clothes from them

"How in the-" Ron begins

"Undetectable Extension Charm" I say taking some clothes from Hermione

After changing we head to a cafe that was empty which was a good area to rest

"Do you think everyone made it out ok? At the wedding I mean. Maybe we should go back" Harry says

"Harry no. They were there for you. If we go back, then we might as well be handing you over freely" I say taking a seat next to Harry with Hermione, Ron and Sarah across from us

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