Year 7 Ch.38: Comback

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After the school year had ended as well as the train ride back home, I felt like something was wrong. Hermione took note of this and asked if she wanted to come home with me to which I replied no. If my bad gut feeling was true then I didn't want her or anyone else getting hurt. Once I arrived home I looked around outside onto the fields and saw that it was burned and patches were gone. The little garden I had when I was a kid was burned as well.

"Hello?" I asked opening the door. "My god"

I look around the house and see that everything was a mess. Books were scattered, furniture was torn, windows were broken.

"Dad!? Sam!?" I began to call walking around the house then upstairs. "Where are you guys?" I opened the door to my dad's room and saw Sam standing there

"Sam! You're ok" I say with a huge relief

"He's gone Y/n. Dad is.... gone" Sam says turning around


"That night when you and your friends came over and saw me and another man in the house; that man is responsible for dad's death"

"No.... it can't be!" I say beginning to cry

"Its true. Earlier that day me and dad had returned from the market place and we began to plant fresh crops. Later in the day, we ran out of soil and dad went to go pick up some more. I was sitting outside when a black cloud began to come over the house and appeared before me"

Sam POV-flashback-
"Well well well. If it isn't the L/n boy. It appears he is all by his lonesome" the masked man said before me

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see an old friend of mine. Tell me is Ben here?"

"You just missed him. But I'll be sure to leave a message"

"Always with that smarmy attitude. Guess I'll have to teach you some. Avada Kadavra!"

"Protego Maxima"


"The clash in spells sent me back and I crashed into the staircase. I quickly got up and before I knew it, dad was there taking the hit that would have otherwise killed me" I say sniffling

"But wait. The man told me that he came to visit an old friend but that dad wasn't there. You were beaten and bloodied"

"I don't know what to tell you. That is all I can remember from that night. He may have hidden the body and told you that to make sure you wouldn't attack him as some form of insurance, he attacked me while I was unconscious. I know it doesn't make sense but I don't know what tell you"

"Anyways I'm glad you're safe" Y/n says hugging me and drying his tears . "But we've got a bigger problem"

-timeskip Y/n POV
Few months have passed and Sam and I had discussed about our personal plans for what's to come. I was to stay with the others and protect them as usual and Sam was going to hunt down the DeathEater and avenge our father.

"You ready?" Sam asks looking at me

"Yeah" I nod

We both take our wands out and shoot a fireball that begins to catch our house on fire.

"The DeatbEaters won't be able to find anything of use here anymore" I say sniffling

"Yeah... Let's go the others are probably waiting for us"


With that we warped to the Dursley's house hold and saw everyone standing in the empty living room.

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