Ch.11: The Truth

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After Tom disappeared Harry and I looked at eachother

"You gonna be ok?" Harry asked me and before I could answer, Ginny wakes up

"Harry it wasn't me I swear I didn't mean to. It was Riddle he made me-"Ginny begins to apologize before Harry cuts her off

"Ginny we know its ok" he says giving her a smile

"Y/n you're here too?" She asks looking at me

"Yeah" I give a light smile

"Ginny you need to leave the Chamber. Follow the path down then you'll find Ron" Harry begins to explain before Fawkes flys over and land on my shoulder lifting me up. "Brilliant Fawkes" Fawkes then flys to Harry and sheds a tear that lands on his bleeding arm and heals it. "Thank you Fawkes"

Later Fawkes was flying us out of the chamber with me holding on his leg, Ron holding my mine, Lockhart on his, then Harry and Ginny on Lockhart's. We had been on this crazy adventure all night that it was already morning. So we decided to head to Dumbledore's office

"Quite ingenious. Of course, Tom Riddle was the best student at Hogwarts. Taught him myself fifty years ago. After he left I head dark stories of his activities until he had stopped and risen again as Lord Voldemort. Y/n now that you have an idea about you history will this change who you are?" Dumbledore asks me

"I don't know. All know for sure is that I am not who I thought I was" I say looking down

"Oh Y/n no you are greater" he says placing a hand on my shoulder

"Professor about the diary. I didn't know who it belonged to. I swear found it in my cauldron. The day we all went to Diagon Alley" Ginny begins to explain

"So that was an extra book I saw. Professor I believe that Lucius was behind all of this" I say to him

"Miss Weasley do not worry you were not at fault here. You and Mr. Weasley are free to go. Oh yes and please have your owl deliver these papers to Azkaban" Dumbledore says as he walks to his desk

"Thank you Professor" Ginny says as she and Ron wave before leaving

"Sir before we move on to Lucius I have a question. What was that sword that Y/n pulled out of the hat and we wielded?" Harry asks as I look up wanting to hear the answer

"That is the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Only a true Gryffindor can have the ability to pull that out of the hat" Dumbledore explains

"But that's it Professor Y/n pulled it out of the hat not me" Harry says looking at me

"Still believe you should have been in Slytherin?" Harry nods. "Although Y/n pulled the sword out of the hat marking him a true Gryffindor, it still takes the heart of one to wield it" Just as Dumbledore finishes Lucius and a house elf walk in

"Dobby? This is your master? You serve the Malfoys?" Harry asks as the scared Elf nods

"Out of my way Potter" Malfoy says as he pushes Harry aside but I stand in the way and push him back. "Still a troublesome brat are you?" He says as I give a glare full of angry and hate. "So you've returned" he says looking to Dumbledore

"I'll go wait outside" I say as I leave and wait

A few minutes later pass by and Lucius walks out with Dobby

"Hey Lucius mark my words next time I see you. I will make you pay" I threaten and walk past him

The scene turns to the Great Hall at night for the final feast of the year. Hermione, now cured, enters the room and hugs Harry and shake hands with Ron

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now