Ch.28: More Mess

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Later in the afternoon after school day had ended, Harry and I went over to Umbridge's office

"Ah yes. You two take a seat" she motions us to two desks in the middle of the room. "You're going to be writing lines tonight using these quills" she places one quill on our desks

"I would but I don't like to touch what isnt mine" I say glaring at her

"I wasn't asking. Now you two will write down 'I will not tell lies' until I tell you to stop, understand?"

"You haven't given us any ink" Harry says as I inspect the quill

"Oh... you don't need ink"

Harry prepares to write but before he does I sneeze and using the momentum I flick my index finger to his quill and I flashed quickly. Harry gives me a questioning look and I nod

"I will not tell lies" I read aloud and place down the quill before getting up and handing it to Umbridge. "Next time you want to use a cursed quill, make sure I'm not around to swap it. Come on Harry"

"Where do you think you're going?! Detention is not over!" She shouts and we continue to walk out

"The quills were cursed?"

"Yours was. Mine wasn't. Using that spell when I sneezed swapped the quills. I'm pretty sure Umbridge wanted you to feel that pain"

"What pain?" I lift my hand and there are burn Mark's with the words 'I will not tell lies' written in them. "Y/n why did you take the pain for me?"

"Hey I was born to keep to you safe. I'm keeping that promise. Now..." I say turning to him "for the next weeks I'll be covering your detentions. I don't want any excuses ok. I'm covering for you and that's that ok. And don't tell anyone, I don't want them to worry" he nods and looks down and we continue to the dorms

The following weeks was torture. Although Umbridge was furious with what I did, she agreed, but when detention would start, she would tie my left hand and my legs to prevent me from moving and she would make me write for seemed like hours

Hermione POV
I've been worried about Y/n lately. He has been looking pale and tired for a few weeks now. I was walking down the hall with Sam, Harry, Ron and the twins when we turn a corner and see Y/n walking paler than usual

"Hey man are you ok?" Sam asks

"Yeah I'm fine" he says in a small and forced smile

"Y/n you wont believe it. I tried out for Quidditch Keeper and I'm on the team!" Ron exclaims

"Cool congratu-" his voice begins to fade out and he falls his knees and then onto the floor

"Bloody Hell!"

"Quick we have to take him to the hospital!" I shout as I feel my eyes begin to tear up

"No!" Y/n exclaims struggling to get up. "I wont give that hold hag the satisfaction"

"Are you that dense? Y/n we need to take you to the- what's this?" Sam cuts himself off and lifts up Y/n's hand

"My god what happened?" Ron says

"Its nothing" Y/n swipes his hand away

"Its nothing! Your hand is burned with words and you say its nothing! Y/n you need help. Please let us help you" I say beginning to cry

"I-" he begins but Harry cuts him off

"Its my fault. I'm the one who needs to be in his situation"

"What are talking about?" I ask

"Y/n said that he would cover for my detentions. It's my fault that he is like this"

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now