Ch.45: Gringotts Getaway

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The next morning Hermione, Sarah, and Ron had used a Polyjuice potion to make Hermione look like Bellatrix and the other two look like other DeathEaters. Harry had the invisibility cloak covering him and the goblin. I had casted a spell to make myself look deformed. We warp to an alley way in Diagon Alley. It was dark. DeathEaters were swarming the place.

"Madam Lestrange" said a wizard looking over to us

"Good morning" Hermione's Bellatrix answered

The wizard looked at us confused and then continued walking

"Good morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange. Not some dewy eyed schoolgirl!" The goblin exclaims quietly

"Shut up she did fine" I say in an intimidating voice

"She gives us away and we might as well use that sword to slit our own throats understand?" He looks to me

"Well we better make sure that your throat is slit first" I squat down to meet his level. "Cause we are not taking the cowards way out"

"Guys calm down. He is right I was stupid" Hermione shakes her head

"Come on let's keep going" Harry says

We walk into Gringotts and walk up to the center attendant. The goblins give us strange looks as we proceed up

"Identification" said the aged goblin

"I hardly think that will be necessary" she replies

"Madam Lestrange! Dear me how may I help you today?" He says shaking

"I wish to enter my vault"

"I see. Very well. Excuse me won't you" he leaves

"I don't like to be kept waiting"

The goblins begin eyeing us and I look around the room and notice that DeathEaters are approaching slowly at us

"They know!" Griphook says beneath the cloak

"What do you mean?" Sarah asks

"They know she is an imposter. They've been warned"

"Madam Lestrange would you mind presenting your wand?" Bogrod asks

"And why should I do that?"

"Harry what do we do? Harry?" Ron says nervously at the approaching guards

"Imperio" Harry's voice is heard and a yellow puff appears in front of the goblin

"Very well Madam Lestrange. If you would follow me" Bogrod leads

We enter a vehicle that will take us to the vault. We all cramp up together in the tight machine. I decast my spell finally being able to stand up straight

"How long before they come after us?" Harry asks

"Time will tell" Griphook answers

"Griphook what is that up ahead?" Ron asks at the curtain of water up ahead

"I should have known" Griphook says to himself

"What is that Griphook?" I ask again

He doesn't answer as we pass the water fall covering us in cold water before we suddenly drop off the cart. We plummet down to the earth below not before Hermione casts a spell stopping our fall

"Well done" Griphook says standing up

We watch as the goblins take the lead and we follow short. They lead us to a room with a very pale weak looking dragon chained in the middle of the open room

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now