Ch.15: Patronus

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The next morning we all woke got ready for class. Today we had to go to Lupin's class but he was not there today. Walking into the class we see Snape there bringing down a screen in front of a blackboard.

"Turn to page 394" Snape instructs walking over to the projector

"Excuse me sir, where is Professor Lupin?" Harry's asks

"That's hardly any of your concern. Suffice to say that your Professor finds himself incapable, of teaching at the moment. Page 394" Snape says walking to the projector and we all open our books

"Werewolves?" Ron asks

"Sir we just begin learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks" Hermione says looking over to Snape

"Quiet" Snape says. "Now can anyone tell me the difference between a werewolf and an Animagus?" Snape walks around the class only for me and Hermione to raise our hands. "No one how disappointing"

"Please sir, an Animagus is a person who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. Furthermore the werewolf actively hunts humans and only responds to the call of their own kind-" Hermione begins to explain as Malfoy howls

"Thank you Malfoy" Snape says coldly and sarcastically. "Though one must admit to feeling your pain. That is the second time you have spoken out of turn Miss Granger. Tell me are you incapable of restraining yourself? Our do you take pride in being and insufferable know it all?" Snape says to her making me mad

"Or is it you that can't handle a student being smart enough to not be submissive that you can't stand a student being equal?" I respond making him turn and pull me up by my collar

"You never know when to stay quiet do you L/n. Always have something to say. This attitude will get you nowhere" Snape says to

"Yeah that may be. But I know that I won't have you disrespecting my friends regardless of who you are" I say

"Hm how noble. Almost reminds me of your brother. The look on his face every time he saw me. That glare you two have almost like he is in the room right now" Snape says releasing my collar. He begins to walk to the projector "50 points from Gryffindor" he says making everyone turn to me as I continue to glare at Snape. "And for your ignorance I will prescribe two roll of Parchment on the Werewolf by Monday, with particular emphasis on recognizing it" he says walking over to Harry

"Y/n" Hermione says as I look at her. "I really appreciate you helping me out I really do. But one day you're going to get into serious trouble"

"I know it's just I can't stand it when people disrespect my friends" I say looking at her

"Its ok it's not worth you getting into trouble" she tells me with a smile

The next day came the Quidditch match. It was a thunderstorm out there.

"I hope Harry doesn't get hurt out there" I say walking to Mcgonagall's class. "Hello Professor"

"Ah yes Y/n come in" she says as I stand near her desk. "How are you feeling?"

"Well I still haven't been able to do it on command yet but I'm still practicing"

"I'm sure you'll master it in no time. You just need the right motivation. Now if you'll excuse me" she says taking her leave

Mcgonagall has been teaching me to become and Animagus. The thing is I can't seem to transform. I begin to feel my body change but the 2 times I've tried I passed out. After a few minutes I leave the classroom and begin to walk to the Great Hall when I hear commotion coming from the entrance. I walk over and see students walking in.

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