Finale pt.1: Father vs Father

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I woke up and it was still dark. You can only see a little light of the sun coming through the other side of the mountains. I stand up and see that both Cedric and Hermione are asleep and Sam isn't around. I look towards the ocean and see a figure standing there so I go towards it

"I always dreamt that this day would come. But I had hoped that it never did" Sam says looking out

"We have to put an end to him and the DeathEaters. Even... dad" I say looking out

"Hmh. I've been confused ever since that day. I don't know what to believe or whom to believe. I just want everything to return back to the way it was before"

"I wish it would too. But in order to have that back, we need to fight for it"

"I've been meaning to ask. Do you know about these twin wands?" Sam asks

"Yeah Mr. Olivander told us about it"

"Ok good. And you know the consequences of using your wand right?"

"Yes but-"

"So you have to promise me that no matter what or whom we fight, you won't use your wand"

"I'm not just gonna sit back while you and everyone else fight!"

"Don't do it for me then! Do it for Hermione. Dude she loves you and there's no other girl better than her. How do you think she will feel if you forget everything about here and perhaps stop loving her?"

"I'm sorry Sam. But if it comes to her life or my memories... you know what I'm going to choose"

"Fine. I'm not gonna stop you"

He turns and walks away leaving me there standing looking out into the now rising sun. I take a deep breathe and go to back to the others. Cedric and Hermione were now awake and Cedric had given us some bread and water

"So how are we going to find your dad?" Asked Hermione

"We don't know yet. My first thought was going to Hogwarts but I don't see that going good for us" said Sam taking a drink of his water. "Now if you'll excuse me" he says taking his wand to his neck and slides it down changing his clothes

 "Now if you'll excuse me" he says taking his wand to his neck and slides it down changing his clothes

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"Well what are we going to do?" I ask

"I had a thought that perhaps we should go to the Ministry" Cedric says

"That won't work. Not only is it crawling with D.Es and I've searched the place yesterday and nothing" Sam says

"Maybe at Malfoy Manor?" Hermione suggests

"Perhaps but it's too risky especially since that is where Bellatrix and you know who were most of the time" I say

"All our ideas are drawing zeroes" Sam sighs in frustration

"Look at what we have here" a voice says making us all stand and prepare ourselves. "Where were you lot when the Battle at Hogwarts was occuring?"

"What're you talking about?" Asked Sam

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