Ch.23: The Second Task

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Hermione POV
It has been a few weeks since the Yule Ball. Y/n and I have began dating and only Ginny is aware of this. Harry and I were talking on the bridge outside of Hogwarts. Y/n had gone to take care of something important

"Harry you told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago. The task is two days from now"

"Really? I had no idea. I suppose the others have already figured it out"

"Well I don't know about Fleur and Viktor, but Y/n said that he still needs to find out about the clue as well"

"Speaking of Y/n. What happened with you two after the dance?"

"That is none of your concern" I blush

I had snuck in to a bath house. I was tipped off by Viktor who you supposedly needed to place the egg underwater to be able to hear it

"Ok Vik let's see if you told me the truth" I place the egg underwater and then my head

"Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took" the egg sings

Later that day I told Harry about the clue and he had gone to see for himself. Afterwards we all met at the library

"Tell us again the clue" Hermione says

"Come seek us where our voices sound" I say scratching my head

"The Black Lake. That's obvious" Hermione walks over. "What's next?"

"An hour long you'll have to look" I say. "Wait we have to be underwater for an hour?"

"It would appear so. This could be potentially problematic" Hermione replies

"Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath under the water for an hour Hermione?" Harry says confused

"Well I know a spell that can help. But I don't think we have enough time to teach you" I pointing to Moody who walks over to us

"Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office" Moody begins as we all stand up. "No, just Weasly and Granger"

"But sir, the second task is only hours away and..." Hermione begins

"Exactly. Presumably Potter and L/n are well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go. Now! Longbottom!" He shouts getting Neville's attention. "Why don't you help these two put their books away"

They walk off and Neville comes over. I put my book away and return to the other two. "Harry I haven't a clue on how you are going to figure this out and sorry but I have to step out and make sure I'm ready" I say before leaving

Later that same day we all met at a platform in the middle of the lake. Dumbledore has begun talking to the audience and I look over to Harry

"Where are Ron and Hermione?" I ask and he shrugs

"You may begin at the sound of the canon" Dumbledore finishes and  a canon goes off

I cast a spell that summons a bubble on my nose and mouth allowing me to breathe under water. I jump in and begin to swim. Not long after the dive I see Fleur get trapped in something and screams before shooting up and out of the water. I continue to swim and see four people tied by a vine. Its Hermione, Ron, Sarah, and Fleur's sister. I begin to swim over and a shark comes out of nowhere but soon transforms to reveal Viktor who breaks the vine and takes Sarah up. Harry soon appears and unties Ron and I untie Hermione

"Where's Fleur?" Harry asks. I point straight up and shake my head signaling him that she is out of the competition

"We have to save her" Harry says to me and I nod. I point my wand at the vine and a merpeople begin to swarm us

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now