Chapter 10

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The same day, Chicago

Three years ago today, Connor had felt something he never felt before. It was strange and it was not anything physical. It was like a strike to the heart.

For the past three years, Connor tried to track down Ava, but it was like she disappeared in the air. 

'Hey Connor, Goodwin wanted me to tell you that Dr Latham can't go to the conference, therefore, you are.' Maggie said. 'And you are nominated for an award.'

'Good to know.' Connor was not surprised, Latham doesn't like these conferences. 'And how is the heart that for mine surgery?' 

'The heart is going to be transferred from Seattle, Grey Solan.' She replied. 

'Call them, and ask for more update.' Connor said. 

'Will do.' Maggie started dialling.

'Thank you.' Connor walked away with a file. 

2 hours later 

'Maggie, how is my heart?' Connor saw Maggie and asked. 

'In your chest?' Maggie raised her eyebrow. 

"Very funny.' Connor smiled.

'The surgeon is going to get the heart first thing tomorrow morning.' Maggie said. 'However, the nurse that I talked to was my classmate in school.'

'So?' Connor made a face.

'She told me the surgeon that doing the surgery name Dr Bekker.' Maggie whispered to her. 

Connor movements stopped. 

'Probably just the same last name.' Connor shrugged his shoulder. 

'I asked her, she said blonde hair, with an accent and moved there three years ago.' Maggie gave him a look. 

'Doesn't matter, she doesn't want anything to do with me.' Connor pretends he doesn't care, but inside he was struggling. 

For the past three years, there are changes in Connor life as well. He became the chief of the trauma department and a well-known CT attending. 

Connor once again confronted Cornelius about what happened that night between him and Ava. Turnout, they just had dinner in a fancy restaurant. However, Cornelius wanted more than that, but Ava slapped him and ran. 

Ava was confused about why he still donated the money after what she did. She sort of figured out why. He tried to control Connor and pissing him off with her, definitely his play. And she knew that Connor will be so angry if he found out that she went to his father for help, but things turn out otherwise. 

The regrets hunted Connor ever since then. He tried to find Ava but every time that he had a lead, something cut him off. That's why he had never found her. 

After Ava left, Robin leaves him as well. Turnout she met someone while she was in Minneapolis. She lied to him about how much she loves Connor while she still connecting with the guy that she met. So there is that. 

His dad pushed a woman to him. Her name was Lisa, daughter of a friend of Cornelius. She was interested in medicine and after she met with Connor she decided to be a resident in Chicago Med. She shadows Connor around and Connor has no interest in her but helps her sometimes because of her father, an uncle that he knew who treated him like his own. The good thing about being born rich is she get to go to the conference with Connor as his plus one. Connor didn't ask but her dad funded the hospital. So now, everyone thought that she is his new girlfriend. 

He was in the CT service today so he went back up to the CT floor after talking to Maggie. And there he saw Lisa, again. 

'Connor?' Lisa walked towards him.

'Dr Davies.' Connor replied, professionally. 'We are in a hospital, you should call me Dr Rhodes.' 

He remembered the first time he met Ava. They called each other first name straight away. It's like their thing. For now, Connor wants to keep that just between them.

'So, I know there is a big conference and awards ceremony, and my dad said that it will be good for me to... you know, know some more people.' She said.

'You wanted to come. What has ever stopped you before?' Connor walked away. 

'I am definitely going to get him.' Lisa said to herself. 


'Aunt Kat!' Natasha scream after Ava opened the door.

Kat came to visit them in Seattle sometime. And this week, Kat came to Seattle to attend a conference. 

'Nat, inside voice.' Ava said. She is strict about Natasha's manners and behaviours. 

'Sorry, mommy.' Natasha looked at her mother. 

'Ava, she was just excited.' Kat said. She always protects Natasha from what she calls Ava's parenting style.

'Fine, your auntie Kat is here.' Ava said and looked at Kat. 

Later that day, Ava went out for groceries shopping. Natasha stayed at home with Kat. 

'Auntie Kat, do you know my daddy?' Natasha asked when Kat was working on her laptop. 

Kat suddenly stopped typing. 'Why?' 

'Mommy won't tell me anything.' Natasha jumped onto the couch next to Kat. 

'I am sure she will eventually.' Kat said. 

'But I want to know now.' Natasha pulled out a cute look and she knew that Kat can't resist. 'Please, Auntie Kat?' 

'One look and never tell your mum.' Kat said very seriously. She agreed to show her because what can a three-year-old do to go find her father who is in Chicago.

Kat showed Natasha a photo of Connor and 1 minute later, they heard the key rotating sound. 

'I'm home!' Ava said as she opened the door. 

Kat closed the window on her laptop and Natasha jumped down the couch and back to her dollhouse. 

'Hey, mommy!' Natasha said. 'I am hungry.' 

'I know, you can have some biscuit and I am cooking dinner now.' Ava replied as she put down the shopping bags. 

'You know that you are born for this right?' Kat walked to the kitchen and said. 

'For what?' Ava put away the groceries. 

'Motherhood.' Kat said then went back to her laptop. 

Ava didn't say anything but smile. She had never imagined she will be a mother so soon. No doubt that Natasha was a gift. 

'Anyway, you got a mail while you were out.' Kat showed Ava the envelope.

'My hands are wet now, do you mind opening and reading for me?' Ava still working in the kitchen and she trusts Kat.

'Hey, Ava.' Kat said from the living room.

'What now?' Ava started cutting the vegetables.

'You are nominated for and awards.' Kat looked at Ava with a big smile. 

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