Chapter 40

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After receiving the phone call, Ava and Connor decided to go into the hospital.

Ava called Kat and asked her if she could help her with the kids. Kat said yes.

They waited until Kat got there and left notes for each of their kids.

Chicago Med

Ava and Connor arrived in front of Cornelius's room.

They just stood there. Ava grabbed Connor's hand and held them tight.

Connor took a deep breath and opened the door.

Seeing Cornelius on the bed with a white sheet over him, Connor couldn't help with tears coming from his eyes.

Despite how much he was terrible about being a father, Cornelius was a good grandfather. After spending the time they were in the hospital, Connor saw the difference in his father.

'I am so sorry Connor.' Ava turned around and hugged him.

Connor hugged her back tightly, then he let her go and turn back to his father.

'I will give you two a minute.' Ava said and went out the room.

After Ava left, Connor sat down on the chair next to the bed and grieved in his own way.

Ava found one of the nurses and asked her for the chart. Although she didn't like Cornelius, she wanted to understand why he died, so Connor doesn't have to look through this and goes through all the horrible feelings again.

'Dr Bekker, the chart.' The nurse said.

'Thank you.' Ava took the chart and read through it carefully. Nothing is out of place, the last dose of med was the one that she administrated.

'What happened?' Ava asked.

'It was so sudden. Nothing was wrong until we heard the monitor beeping.' The nurse answered. She was working her night shift, after she routinely checked Cornelius once, everything was normal 10 minutes after that, and the next thing she knew was Cornelius started coding.' The doctor went in and started resuscitating him. But it was too late. I am so sorry, Dr Bekker.'

'Thank you, Beth.' Ava nodded.

'Dr Bekker, the admin said that because this is suspicious, they would like to conduct an autopsy to investigate further.' Beth mentioned what the doctor said. 'It will needs Dr Rhodes's consent.'

'He is very vulnerable right now, I can mention it to him later. Do you have the paper work?' Ava wanted to deliver this new to him herself, because she knew that if anyone else goes in and said that right now, it will drive Connor crazy and upset him even more.

After Beth printed out the paper work, Ava went to the cafeteria to grab something coffee.

When she went back to Cornelius's room, Connor was still sitting there and looking at his father's body. She could see the redness in his eyes, telling her that he had been crying.

Ava knocked on the door and pulled Connor out of his thought.

'Hey, how are you feeling? I got you coffee.' Ava said as she walked towards him and put one hand on his shoulder and handed him the coffee with the other one.

'It's... It's complicated.' Connor said. He knew that Cornelius meant different things between him and Ava.

'I know.' Ava sat down next to him. 'I just wanted to let you know that I will be here, no matter what.'

'Thank you.' Connor looked at Ava and said, then he turned back to his father. 'He was fine yesterday, you checked on him too.'

'Connor, I have something to tell you, but I am not sure if you are ready.' Ava attempted to ask him about the autopsy.

'What is it?' Connor said.

'They thought that Cornelius dead was suspicious and they need to perform an autopsy.' Ava took a deep breath and told him everything.

'Do you have the paperwork with you?'


'Ava, you and I both know that the early that we conduct the autopsy, the accurate of the results.' Connor understood where Ava's confusion came from.

'I understand.' Ava took the papers and a pen out of her bag and handed it to him. 'Here.'

Connor filled the paper work out quickly and took it out the nurse.

Soon there was someone came over to take Cornelius's body to the morgue and wait for autopsy. 

After they filled all the paperwork and everything else, it is the 7 am in the morning. 

Connor was meant to have a shift today but he asked for a day off, so did Ava. They went straight back home and neither of them know how to tell the kids that their grandpa had passed away. 

When they arrived home, all the kids were awake and having their breakfast. 

'Mommy!' Natasha ran towards her. 'Can we go see grandpa today?' 

'Natasha...' Ava said quietly. 'Why don't you have your breakfast first?' 

Ava didn't tell the kids what happened. 

The day went by, Natasha was still her usual self, she was too young to tell what is different with her parent. On the other hand, sensitive like Sara, she could tell there was something bothering Ava and Connor. 

'Mommy, did you have a fight with daddy?' Sara asked quietly. 

'No, sweetheart.' Ava said. 'Everything is ... fine.' 

Sara didn't say anything, she climb up to the couch with Ava and tried to cuddle her with her tiny body.

At this moment, Ava was so touched by her little girl, she hugged her back tightly. 

After comforting Ava, Sara went straight to Connor and did the same thing. 

Later that night, the kids were gathered all together again for a bed time story. They picked a book together and took it to Ava and Connor's room. 

Ava and Connor looked at each other and understood each other with their eyes contact. 

Ava took ther book and put it on their bedside table, then she got on to one side of the bed.  

'Mommy and I want to tell you guys a story tonight.' Connor got on the other side of the bed.  

'Once upon a time, there is this beautiful place ...' Ava used her soothing voice to start the story. 

This night, Natasha, Sara and Tony know that their grandpa became an angle and went to this wonderful place, where he will bless them from the sky...

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