Chapter 38

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The next day

'Thank you for coming.' Connor talked to the man sitting on the chair. 

'You gave me the chance.' The man said. "Where is Ava.' 

'She is with the kids.' Connor said. 'She is still a bit scare of you, father.' 

Yes, Cornelius showed up for the blood test and see if he and Tony matches. 

'Are you ready, Mr Rhodes?' A nurse came in with a kit. 

'Yes, thank you.' Cornelius answered. 

The nurse quickly drew his blood and sent it down to the lab. 

'Can I see my grandkids?' Cornelius asked. 

'I need to talk to Ava first.' Connor said. Now that they have three kids together, Connor can't be his old self. He not only need to consider Ava's opinion but also the kids'. ' Just wait here.' 

Connor went back to Tony's room. 

'How did you go.' Ava asked. 

'He came and he was willing to help.' Connor answered calmly. 

'But?' Ava sensed that there is something the Connor wasn't telling her. 

'He want to see the kids.' Connor said with uncertainty. 

'Sure.' Ava said. 'But you need to asked the kids first.' 

'Ava are you sure?' Connor was surprised. 

'Look, I know what you are thinking. Cornelius is still not forgiven. But he is our children's grandfather, which means that we will see each other eventually one way or the other.' Ava took a deep breathe. 'Beside, what if he mathes with Tony? We owe him this. I won't let my personal feeling affect our son chances of living.' 

'Ava, you said our children.' Connor smiled. 

'That's not the point Connor. My point is that I don't like him, I am not going to talk to him.' Ava tried to pulled  his focus back. 

'You have me at our kids.' Connor said. 'Do you mind if he comes now?' 

Ava nodded. 

Connor called Cornelius, and not for long Cornelius showed up.

'Grandpa!' Natasha was first to spot him. 

'How did you know that he was your grandpa?' Connor was confused. 

'Last time, he invited me to his house.' Natasha said. 'You picked me up remember?' She was talking about the time that Cornelius picked her up from the daycare. 

'Oh right.' Connor said. 

'Do you want to give grandpa a big hug?' Cornelius bended down. 

Natasha looked at Ava and after she saw Ava nodded her head, she ran toward him and gave him a hug. 

After Cornelius picked her up, Natasha saw Sara who was hiding behind Ava. 

'Sara! This is our grandpa.' Natasha said to her. 

Sara slowly came out behind Ava and walked toward Cornelius. 

'Hi, Sara right?' Cornelius put his hand in front of her. 

'Hello.' Sara said quietly and shook his hand. 

Cornelius also saw Tony, who was lying on his bed because he was getting sicker. 'I guess this is Tony.' He sat down and shook his hand too. 

So far, this is going well. The conversation are going well between Cornelius and the kids, even Connor joined their conversation once a while. Ava remained quite and just listen. At the end, she offered to go grab coffee and she even bought one for Cornelius.

Cornelius stayed until he got a call from his company about something. 

'Let's me know when the result come in.' Cornelius said to Connor. 

'Sure.' Connor nooded. 

Cornelius walked away but Connor stopped him. 

'Thank you for being here today.' Connor said. 

'Like I told you, they are my grandkids, I will do anything for them.' Cornelius answered. 

After Cornelius left, Connor went back to the room. 

Tony fell asleep, Sara was reading a book next to Ava who was sitting and reading medical journal. Natasha was colouring. 

It was so peaceful, it will be so perfect if they weren't in a hospital. Connor sighed but all they can do now is wait. 

Three days later.

Connor got a text while he was having lunch with Ava in the cafeteria. 

'Ava the result is in.' Connor said. 

'What does it say?' Ava asked. 

'It just told me that they have a final result, the actual result need my father to unreveal.' Connor replied. 'I will call him now.' 

Ava grabbed Connor's hand and the sweat in her palm suggested that she was nervous. 

Soon Cornelius arrived, he got the message too and he was heading to the hospital anyway. 

They all went to the pathology and met with Tony's doctor. 

'Congratulations, Mr Rhodes. You are a match to Tony.' 

'Really? That's a very good news.' Cornelius said. 

The doctor explained the detail and at the end, they arranged when they are going to do the transplant. 

Cornelius visited the kids and delivered the good new himself. They were all very happy. 

Later that day.

Ava got a call from the reception and they said she has a delivery. She went down to the ED floor and soon she found that it was not something, it was someone. 

'Meredith, Arizona?' Ava walked quickly towards them and gave them a hug. 'What are you doing here?' 

'Well, we had a conference here and just came to see how are you doing?' Meredith said. 

Ava filled them in, about Connor, the kids and everything. 

'That was... interesting.' Meredith commented. 

'Yep.' Ava sighed. 

'You know it is a good thing that we are here.' Arizona said. 'You got a ped surgeon and a general surgeon. And we are both one of the best in the country.' 

'It will means so much if you can help, thank you.' Not that Ava doesn't trust Tony's doctor, but after working in Seattle, she trusts them more. 

Therefore, they agree that Meredith and Arizona will operate. Ava told them when and everything was ready to go. 

Ava went back to Tony's room later. All the kids are sleeping while Connor was still awake. 

'Hey, you.' Connor said. 'What did you get.' 

'It wasn't a what, it's was a who.' Ava told him what happened. 

'That's will be so good.' 

'What are you searching?' Ava saw that Connor was looking at something with his tablet when she came in. 

Connor showed her. It was a real estate page and Connor was looking at a beautiful house. It said there are six bedroom and it is in a good location. 


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