Chapter 42

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Chicago Med

Connor arrived in Goodwin's office. After he got the autopsy report, Goodwin paged him immediately.

'So we got the report for the autopsy.' Goodwin said. 'I wasn't going to tell you before we figured out what is going on.'

'I don't understand what is going on.' Connor was so confused.

'Dr Rhodes, the conversation we have today will stay in this room until the whole thing is sorted.' Goodwin said seriously.

'Ms Goodwin, you have my words.' Connor replied but he had this really bad feeling.

'Good, because this situation is related to Dr Bekker.' Goodwin handed him the report.

'Ava?' Connor looked at the report.

'I understand that there was something complicated between you guys but I don't want that to cloud your judgment.' Goodwin nodded. 'The cause of death was med overdose. But I want to lead your attention to who administrated the last dose of med.'

Connor read the report carefully. 'It's Ava.'


'She told me about it. And based on the report she used an appropriate dosage.' Connor remembered what Ava had told him.

'But the autopsy suggested otherwise.' Goodwin pointed to the cause of death on the page. 'I am waiting for the security footage to be sure.'

'Ms Goodwin, Ava wouldn't do this.' Connor argued.

'All due respect Dr Rhodes, your father and Dr Bekker weren't in the best term as far as I am concerned.' Goodwin knew a little bit of what happened between them.

'Ms Goodwin...' Connor was trying to argue with her before she stopped him.

'Connor, this could be an accident, it could be the nurse gave out the wrong dose, we don't know for sure yet.' Goodwin said. 'But for the administration, Dr Bekker is the first suspect.'

'They didn't.' Connor interrupted her. 'Ava told me that she injected the med to him herself.'

'Dr Rhodes...'

'I knew Ava, she is too careful and precise to make such a stupid mistake.' Connor said.


Goodwin got an email.

'Dr Rhodes, the footage just came in.' Goodwin checked her email.

Connor stopped talking and both of them started watching the footage.

It started from 5 minutes before Ava entered and gave Cornelius the med.

In the video, Ava came in, injected the med, took a look of his chart and signed, then walked out. She was in and out in less than 10 minutes. Then, no one else went into the room until the nurse went in to check on him. Shortly after that, it was Cornelius coding and the doctors recitating him.

'Ms Goodwin, if Ava really did what you suggested. Why would she signed her name and leave so much evidence for you to find.' Connor found some points that didn't make sense. 'Beside, she is smart enough to use a drug that is not traceable. Also, why would she tell me about it, if she did that.'

Goodwin fall into silent.

At the end, Connor convinced Goodwin to conduct a further investigation before they reach conclusions.

He called Jay and asked him, and Jay agreed to look into it for them. They sent him everything they knew and after two days, Jay called him back.

'Jay, what did you find out?' Connor asked.

'So I took a look of the footage from midnight to your father dead.' Jay said. 'And I tried to matched everyone with the staff list that you sent. Everyone was matching except for one nurse.'

'A nurse?'

'Yes, 10 minutes before Ava entered the room.' Jay replied. 'She was wearing a mask, but base on the staff's profiles, no one matches the description, not in the nurses anyway. I was able to enhance the image, I am sending it to you now.'

Connor got the photo. After looking at it carefully, he saw the watch the unidentified woman was wearing.

'Thanks, Jay.' Connor said.

They talked about something else and hang up.

Just when Connor were think about the watch, he walked towards the nurse station, and someone bumped into him.

'Sorry, Connor.' It was Lisa.

'That's fine.' He didn't care.

'I haven't seen you in a while.' Lisa said as she tucked her hair back. 'I missed you.'

'I was busy with the kids.' Connor replied, thinking about his three children, he smiled. 'They drive Ava and me crazy, in a good way. Ava want to take them to park today, I don't know how she does it. Looking after three kids at the same time. '

'Yeah...' Lisa couldn't help herself but jealous.

At the same time, Connor noticed the watch that she was wearing.

'Hey, your watch...' Connor was about to asked her.

'Dr Rhodes, one of your patients is coding.' A nurse interrupted him.

Connor turned around quickly and ran toward the patient.

There was a slight disappointment on Lisa's face. At the same time you can see her face was relieved.

Afterwards, she went back to the doctor lounge. Lisa dialed a number using a black phone that she just took out of the package.

'That's deal that we made last time....' Lisa said secretly to the person on the phone. 'Take the little one with blonde hair...'

Then she hanged up the phone and closed the locker.

Some park

On the other hand, Ava took the three kids out to the park.

She mad sandwiches in the morning and now they are sitting on a picnic mat and having lunch.

After they had a quick lunch, the kids went running again.

Sara was running so much that she had a small asthma attack. She took the puffer out and realised it was broken.

'Mommy!' Sara moved toward Ava.

Of course, Ava who was watching this whole time noticed her. Luckily, since they got Sara and Tony back, she kept a puffer in every bags that she got.

Ava fished the one that was in her bag and gave it to Sara. After Sara used it, she put it back because Ava didn't want her to lose that one as well.

Just when everything is look so good. They didn't even aware that danger is ahead of them.

I don't want to upset anyone for using the wrong name for the medical stuff. And I don't really know any so, yeah med is as good as I am going to get.

This story will end soon and this will be one last crisis they are going to face.

Love you all and stay safe.

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