Chapter 17

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'Hey, baby girl, she is going to be ok.' Nic said. 

'Why don't you give your uncle Conrad a hug?' The guy, Conrad, opened his arms to Natasha. 

Natasha jumped up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

'Sweetheart, do you know anyone else who can take care of you?' Nic asked. 

'Auntie Kat.' Natasha said, 'But can I stay with you?' 

'Absolutely.' Nic said. 

'I want to go see daddy.' Natasha looked at Conrad. 

'Your daddy?' Conrad was confused. They never heard Ava talked about him before. 

'He is in there.' Natasha pointed to the trauma room. 

'He was the one who got shot.' Nic whispered to Conrad. 

'They are trying to help your daddy, do you want to sit here with Nic and stay with mommy. I will try to find out how your daddy is doing, deal?' Conrad said.

'Pinky promise?' Natasha put out her little finger. 

'Pinky promise.' Conrad wrapped his finger with Natashas'.

Conrad went to check on Connor, he was fine, the bullet didn't hit anything major, they took the bullet out and close the wound. 

Two hours later, Connor woke up and he saw Conrad standing next to his bed. 

'How are you feeling?' Conrad asked.

'Dizzy, but fine.' Connor tried to sit up. 'You were brave just then, are you a soldier?' 

'I was a medic.' He helped Connor get up. 'I am also a doctor, I work at Chastain Park Memorial in Atlanta.' 

'Connor Rhodes.' Connor put one of his hands out. 

'Conrad Hawkins.' He shook Connor's hand.  

'What are you doing here?' Connor asked, 'Moving to Chicago?' 

'Nah, my wife and I are here for our honeymoon.' Conrad said. 'We saw someone passed out in the park this morning and we took him here. Before we can leave the shooting happened.'

'Sorry about that.' Connor said. 

'It's ok. Being a doctor you can't just sit out and watch, besides, we didn't expect to see a friend here.' Conrad said. 

'At least something good turn out.' Connor joked.

'So, I heard that you are Natasha's father?' He said and handed Connor a cup of water. 

'Thanks.' Connor took the cup of water. 'How do you know?' 

'My wife is her mother friend, she is also Natasha's godmother.' 

'Wait, you are saying that Ava is your friend?' Connor couldn't believe it. Ava had been to so many places. 

'Yeah, she came to our hospital when she was still pregnant with Natasha. She was almost due but she still flew to us to do a consult.' Conrad said. 

'Do you know where is she now?' Connor asked. 

'Ava... She passed out after she found out that you are ok.' Conrad said. 'My wife, Nic, she is with her and Natasha right now.' 

'Can you take me to them.' Connor said and want to get out of bed. 

'Stay still, you can't walk now, I will go get a wheelchair.' 

Conrad got a wheelchair and wheeled Connor to Ava's room. 

Ava's room.

Nic was sitting at the chair next to the bed and Natasha was sleeping on a temporary bed. Ava's eyes were closed with a needle on the back of her hand to keep her hydrated. The only thing you can hear is the beeping of the machine.

'How is she?' Conrad wheeled Connor in and asked.

'She is still down, but her vitals are stable.' Nic said. 

'This is Nic, my wife and a nurse practitioner in Chastain Park Memorial.' He looked at Nic. 'This is Connor, Natasha's father.' 

'I hate to meet you like this, but nice to meet you.' Connor said. 

'Me too.' 

'I am going to get some food, in case the little one wake up hungry. Nic do you want anything?' Conrad asked. 

'Just coffee please.' Nic said. 

'Sure, I will be back.' Conrad said and left the room. 

'Conrad said that you guys know Ava for a while.' Connor broke the silence.

'She came to our hospital to help us. She was such a strong woman.' Nic looked at Ava, 'I don't know how she held everything together today for so long.'

'What do you mean?' Connor was confused. 

'I shouldn't be the one tell you this but I think you should know.' Nic said and she told Connor what happened. 

When Ava was pregnant with Natasha, she went to Chastain Park Memorial for a consult. Unfortunately, a shooting happened there as well when Ava just about to leave. Because she was in the scrub, the shooter forced her to save his partner. Ava was clam at first, but the patient lost a lot of blood and she needed assistance. Ava asked, but the shooter was so agitated he pointed the gun to her belly. Ava was almost due back then and the shooter pointed straight to her bump. As she remained calm and Conrad helped her, they were able to save the patient and the shooter was controlled by the police at the end. 

Being due so soon and finished surgery that need 100% focus, as well as staying calm and high alert, Ava was exhausted. Just when she was in the elevator, her water broke. Nic was with her in there, but the elevator stopped moving because of the evacuation. Nic was able to open the door and got them both out to an empty floor that was in renovation. 

'She was in a lot of pain.' Nic said. 'I couldn't get hold of anyone.'

- - - - - - Nic's memory - - - - -
'Dr Bekker, I will find someone. ' Nic asked.

'There is no signal.' Ava said it in pain. 'You need to help me deliver this baby. Follow my lead. '

'Sure.' Nic nodded.

'Said something to distract me.' Ava felt the contractions again.

'What's the baby gender, Dr Bekker?'

'It's a girl.' Ava left out a long breath. 'And I think by now you can call me Ava.'

'Put you hand in, what do you feel?' Ava asked between her contractions.

'I can't feel her head.' Nic said and then a sudden expression change on her face. 'I felt her leg.'

'Oh no. The baby is in breech position.' Ava said. 'You naughty girl.'

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