Chapter 15

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Ava was trying to repair the lungs. 

'Pickup.' Ava asked the nurse. 

'There you go, doctor.' Nurse Beth said. 'We missed you back here.'

'Nice to see you too Beth.' Ava smiled under her mask.

Ava was able to fix the bleeder but when she about to close him up, an accident occurred. Lisa knocked over an instrument tray and tripped over the wires on the floor. She fell on the patient and he started bleeding again. 

'Damn it, what did you do?' Ava said angrily. 

'I, I tripped.' Lisa said. 

'And now he is bleeding again, thank to you.' Ava said as she hurried her work on the patient.

'It is not my fault! Who put these stupid wires here.' Lisa yelled. 

'Dr Davies, they are the lines for the ECMO and...' Beth said.

'That's enough, you are off the case.' Ava shut Lisa down. 

'You can't, my dad funded the hospital.' 

'I don't care who or how rich your father is. This my OR and you made a mistake.' 

'You can't...' 

'Beth, find Dr Teddy Altman in the cafeteria.' 

'Sure doctor.' Beth answered. Honestly, Beth didn't like Lisa anyway. She left the room quickly and found Teddy. 


While Lisa was being kicked out of the OR, Connor made it back to the hospital.

'Maggie, where is my trauma patient?' Connor asked.

'We took care of it. He is in the OR now.' Maggie said. 

'Who is operating?' Connor was confused because he knew most of the surgeons were not here. 

'Connor, it's Ava.' 

'Ava?' Connor couldn't believe his ears. 'Ava Bekker?' 

'She is here, Connor.' Maggie looked at him. 'OR 2.' 

Connor ran to OR 2 immediately. 

Through the gallery, he identified which one is Ava. 

'Dr Bekker, nice to see you are back.' Connor spoke through the microphone. 

'Just helping out, I am a surgeon, Dr Rhodes.' Ava focused on what she was doing.

'Ava, I am scrubbing in.'

'No need, it been taken care of. I had Dr Altman.' Ava said. 'But I think you need to go comfort your resident because I kicked her out of the OR.' 

'Anyway, good to see you.' Connor was disappointed. He wanted to operate with her again, badly. However, he left and went to check on Lisa because he knew that she can be a pain.

After Connor left.

'So what did she do that you kick her out of the OR. You don't usually do that.'  Teddy asked because Ava is the nicest attending in Grey Solan. 

'She fell on the patient because she tripped over the wire which usually an intern mistake not resident.' Ava focused on the surgery and said. 

'Not everyone is your star resident Mia.' Teddy said. Mia is Ava's resident, she is in her third years. 

Ava smiled but said nothing. 

Doctor lounge

Natasha was still sleeping and Natalie was reading some chart. 

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