Chapter 28

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It is a couple of days later. 

After Ava dropped off Natasha at the daycare centre, she went to the coffee cart to get her morning coffee. 

At the cart, Connor was getting coffee and Lisa of course, a tag along. 

'One vanilla latte, as usual, thanks Jerry.' Connor said to Jerry, the owner. 

'One vanilla latter coming up, Dr Rhodes.' Jerry knew his order and what to put in his coffee. 

Just when he was about to pay, Connor spotted Ava out of the corner of his eyes. At the same time, Lisa was about to order something. 

'Can I have a cup English breakfast tea too, please.' Connor said to Jerry and put more money in the jar. 

'Thanks, Connor. But I don't drink tea.' Lisa thought that Connor was ordering for her and even that she tried to look calm, but you can still see the blush on her cheeks. 

'It's not...' Connor explained but got interrupted. 

'One vanilla latte and English breakfast tea.' Jerry said.

'It's ready, I guess I can try.' Lisa said and continued to pretend she is shy. 

'Connor!' Ava walked to towards him right after she saw Connor. However, because of all the people lining up, she missed Lisa. 

'Ava, good morning.' Connor holding the two drink and walked towards her. 

Lisa was completely ignored by both of them, she stood on the spot and frown, thought to herself. 'That slut, now I am invisible? Wait, at least Connor got me a drink.'

However, reality soon broke her little dream. 

'English breakfast tea, your new favourite.' Connor handed the tea to Ava. 

'Thanks, look who is being thoughtful?' Ava smiled. 

'You said that you want to cut down the caffeine and black coffee doesn't help.' Connor reminded her. 

'You are right.' Ava took a sip of the tea. 'But you know that I can get it decaf right?' 

'It is so good to hear that you say I am right.' Connor said happily and grinned at her. 'And I know, but tea is better for you, love.' 

'Whatever you said.' Ava blushed. She didn't expect that Connor would call her that. 'And for your information, I am pretty sure that Natasha got her sweet tooth from you.' 

'What makes you think that.' Connor smirked. 

Just when they were having this conversation, Lisa stood on the side like she was going to explode. She tightened her fists and her nails were digging into her palms. Lisa was still standing in the line and people were getting impatient. They started pushing and wondering why the line wasn't moving. 

'Come on, we need to get to work.' One of the customers in the line yelled. 

'Lady, if you are not going to order anything...' Jerry said to her. 

'No one wants your stupid coffee.' Lisa said angrily and stormed away. 

'You...' Jerry looked at her walked away and speechless. Then he said to his next customer 'Can you believe that?' And they both shook their heads. 

Ava who finally noticed Lisa because of the drama raised her chin towards that direction. 

'Look like your little resident is not having a good morning.' Ava said. 

'Oh, is that jealousy that I am hearing?' Connor replied and happy that Ava was caring about other women that go close to him. 

'No, I just don't want to see her sour face all-day on the CT floor.' Ava pushed at his chest and started walking towards the hospital.  

'Well, good for you that I am working up at the CT floor today.' Connor picked up the pace and followed her. 'You can watch my handsome face to neutralise it.' 

Just after Connor finished saying that, he pager went off. He took a look at it and signed. 

'Well, I guessed I can't help you today.' He showed Ava his pager. 'ED is down a surgeon. I need to go to help.' 

'See, you jinx it.' Ava said. 'And overall, I am all alone with that sad face.' 

'Just for your information, I was really looking forwards to work with you.' Connor sighed. 'Side by side, like the old days.' 

'As long as we still work here, there will be a chance.' Ava put one hand on Connor's shoulder and whispered in his ear. 'Meet me at lunch.'

'I am looking forwards to.' Connor raised his eyebrow and smiled. 

It was like the old days, they flirted with each other just like that. After their conversation, Ava went up to the CT floor and Connor went to the ED. And in no surprised, Lisa was not happy and she was taking it out on the nurses. 

Just before lunch, Connor got a patient coming in who was in a car crash, he texted Ava saying that he was sorry and he couldn't go to lunch with her:

Hey, Ava. I was really looking forwards to our lunch date but a patient just came in, but meet me for an afternoon tea?

Ava saw the message after she left the operation room and she texted him back: 

It's ok, just text me when you finished.

Connor read the message and smiled like a boy that just fall in love. 

'Dr Rhodes, we need you in the hybrid room.' Maggie said. 'And you look way too happy.' 

'Got it, Maggie.' Connor answered. 'Well, I had a lunch date but now it is an afternoon tea date.'

'Oh, Ava...' Maggie looked down to her chart and said.

'You are so smart.' Connor smirked. 

'Now, go on Dr Charming.' Maggie handed him the file. 'Your patient needs you now, 2 minutes till the ambulance arrived.' 

Connor walked towards the hybrid OR and waited there. The patient arrived and they got him into the room immediately. 

'He has fluid in his chest, chest tube...' Connor ordered. 

The nurse passed him a chest tube, Connor made an incision and put the tube in but instead of the blood coming through...

'Wait, that's not blood...' Monique said. 

'No, it is not, and you have seen it before.' Connor looked at her. 'It is fecal matter.' 

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