Chapter 19

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It is 9:00 p.m, Connor stayed in Ava's room and sat on the chair next to the bed. Natasha slept next to Ava. Her hand still linked to Ava's hand. 

Looking at the two most precious things in his life, Connor couldn't help but had a smile on his face. 

'Ava, I am so sorry. I am sorry for all those horrible things I accused you of. I am sorry that I didn't look for you harder.' Connor said seriously. 

'You raised our baby girl up all by yourself for three years. She is perfect just like her mother. I think you know for sure that she is the perfect combination of you and me.' He put his hand on Natasha's head. 

'When I first saw her, I hope that she is my daughter. You have no idea how devastated when I found out that you were going to give up our baby. But then Natasha showed up.' Connor pulled up the blanket for Natasha. 

'Her blonde hair is defiantly from you, she has my blue eyes. She has the biggest sweet tooth and just like you she does not like peanuts.' Connor smiled. 

'So Ava, please wake up. I love you so much, I love our daughter so much. We are all waiting for you to build our family.' He held the hand that Natasha is holding and put it next to his lips. 

'I promise that I will be the best daddy and the best husband.' Connor kissed their hands and put his head down.

'Don't say a promise that you can't keep.' A weak voice said. 

Connor looked up, Ava's eyes were open and she was looking at him. 

'Ava! How are you feeling? Wait you must be thirsty. Just let me...' Connor was so glad that Ava woke up and he lost it. 

'Connor... wait... calm down, you are ok to wake her up. I am ok.' Ava whispered.

'Let me get you some water.' Connor poured her a glass of water and put a straw in there. Then he held it in front of her 

Ava took a sip of the water. 'Thank you.' 

Connor help her sat up  and tried not to wake Natasha up. 

'So, I heard what happen.' Connor broke the silence in the room. 


'Ava, I am sorry...' 

'It is not all your fault.' Ava said. 'I lied to you, about her. And I know how difficult it will be for me if you know she exists. I am, I am just afraid that you will take her away from me.' 

'No, Ava. I would never. I had been looking for you since I found out the truth. But my girl was so good at hiding.' 

They both smile and it was like they were back in the old days. Neither of them knew that something is breaking and something is growing. 

A day after, Ava was discharged since she didn't have any physical injuries. 

'So, we are saying goodbye to daddy?' Natasha asked and ran towards Connor.

Connor looked down to the tiny human that who was hugging his leg tightly, He picked her up and hold her even tighter. He walked towards Ava.

'I knew I am a terrible person to accuse you like that before. I am so so sorry.' He looked her in the eyes. 'Will you forgive me? I want to be a part of your life, Natasha's life and as a family'

Ava was teared up when Natasha ran towards Connor. At that moment, she wanted to give Natasha a healthy and happy family. Now the opportunity is right in front of her, why doesn't she give it a try.

'I can give you a chance.' Ava said calmly, she decided to let faith and hope to lead their future.

Like a bomb explored in Connor's head, he couldn't believe his ears.

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