Chapter 22

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Back to the table, their drink just arrived. Connor got a vanilla latte, orange juice for Natasha and Ava ordered a cup of English tea.

'No black coffee?' Connor said.

'Attempting, but I am trying to cut the caffeine down after her.' Ava said. 'You have no idea how much I struggle when I pregnant with her, I was almost abusive to my resident and my fellows.'

'Remind me not to mess with you when you don't get your caffeine.' Connor joked. 'But are you sure? You can have a sip of mine.'

'You super sweet latte?' Ava said and looked at him.

'You said it yourself, you are changing.' Connor said. 'I dare you?'

Ava smirked and picked up his cup, she put it next to her lip and took a sip. Then they looked at each other the way that they do when they were trying to win up each other before.

'It is... oh my god, that was sweet.' Ava cough and said. 'But it is better than what I was expecting.'

Then they started to order food.

'Mommy, can I have chicken nuggets please?' Natasha said looking at Ava.

'Only if you finish the salad that I am going to give you.' Ava said.

'Daddy...' Natasha looked at Connor with puppy eyes.

'Listen to your mom, honey.' Connor shrugged his shoulders. 'Come here and give me a cuddle.'

After Natasha sat on Connor's laps and he whispered to her. 'I can eat some if you can't finish it.'

Natasha had a big smile on her face and kissed Connor on his cheek.

Ava looked at them and she shook her head. She also gave Connor an eyes signal saying 'I know what you two are up to and see, I told you so.' 

In the end, Ava got a garden salad, Connor got a burger and Natasha got some chicken nuggets. And of course, Natasha couldn't finish that salad that Ava gave her and she sneaked it to Connor. They thought Ava wouldn't notice, well, only Natasha. 

'Mouth close honey.' Ava reminded Natasha. 

'Sorry, mommy.' Natasha said and closed her mouth. 

'Thank you.' 

'Motherhood suit you Ava.' Connor said.

'You are not the first one that said that.'

'You are good at this, look at Natasha, she has such a good manner and she is just so intelligent.' 

'She didn't just get that from me, overall, her daddy is also a surgeon.' 

They both look at Natasha who was eating her chicken nuggets like a lady, then look at each other and smile. 

A farmer market close to the shopping mall

After they finish lunch, they went to a market nearby to pick up some fresh vegetables and fruits. 

'Natasha love peaches.' Ava said after she paid for the fruits that they just picked. Some peaches, apple, banana and other fruits. 

'Ok, so, here the thing, Ava, and you know that, but...' Connor felt awkward to said something. 

'What?' Ava asked.

'Use your word, daddy.' Natasha said with a cheeky smile.

'You know that I don't cook a lot, so...' Connor said.

'Hahaha...' Ava laughed. 'I know, that's why I left you some easy recipes that she likes. I also asked Kat and Natalie to help you sometime. But I do have one requirement which just gives her a certain amount of vegetables. And yes, I wrote that down too.' 

'Thank you.' Connor felt relieved and he didn't mind Ava laugh at him, he just happy that he made her smile. Also, he saw more of the mother of her, and he loves Ava even more now. 

'Maybe just avoid take out every day?' Ava said. 

'I will try, but I think I will take her to the restaurant more.' Connor replied. 'I promise it will be the healthy ones.' 

Connor dropped Ava and Natasha back to their place after shopping and took all everything they got today back to his place. They agree that to go to Connor's place to set up everything the day before Ava flies back to Seattle for a week. 

After Connor was back home, he texted Natalie right away, asking her what and where need to be keeping an eye on in term of protecting little kids. Then he started to look through all the recipes that Ava sent him and finding stuff in the kitchen. He wrote down what he needs and ordered it online. He also cleans the house and booked a professional carpet cleaner for the rooms. He kept himself busy and before he knows it, it was already 10:00 p.m. after he finished doing all of these. 

On the other hand, Ava cooked dinner for themselves and put Natasha to bed. Then she got a call from Teddy, who had already back in Seattle. 

'Hey, stranger.' Teddy said.' How are you feeling?'

'Hey, you. Not bad.' Ava knew what she was asking, the shooting. 

'I am glad to hear that. And I also heard that you are going back to Chicago.' 

'Yeah, Natasha deserves a happy family.' 

'Is that means that you are giving McHotties a chance?'

'McHotties? let me guess, Mer?' 

'Well, Derek is McDreamy, Mark is McSteamy.' 

'So you told the other. Dr Teddy Altman?' 

'No... Yes... Anyway, we planned a get together when you come back to the pack as like a goodbye party.' 

'Thank you. You girls are so sweet. But we are not over that.'

'Err... safe fly on your way back, love you, bye!' Teddy hanged up. 

Ava looked at her phone and shook her head. She admitted that the same feeling is back again, how she felt sad when Connor almost left for Mayo clinic and shy but excited when he compliments her.  Deep down she is looking forward to the life they will have in the future.

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