Chapter 44

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After Ava walked in, the SWAT team quickly surrounded the factory. Connor went on an ambulance and got everything ready in case Ava or Sara get hurt, soon, he realised something was missing from the ambulance, he smirked then he went back to the van with Jay. 

Ava walked in the factory looking around. She could already feel that Sara will have a tough time with all the dust. 

The same man that took Sara came in front of her. 


Ava put both of her hand in front of him. 

'What's this?' He saw Ava holding something. 

'My daughter's med.' Ava said. 'She has asthma.' 

The man didn't think that it was something dangerous, he let Ava keep, tied Ava up and led her to Sara. 

When Ava was brought to Sara, Sara was already passed out. 

The man threw Ava toward Sara. 

'Sara, honey, wake up.' Ava called her name, putting the puffer close to her face. 

'Mommy?' Sara thought she was a dream. At this moment, she couldn't hold back anymore; tears came stream from her eyes.

'Mommy is here, don't be scared.' Ava wanted to hug her, but her hands were tight up. So she put her forehead against Saras'. 

'How lovely.' A woman's voice came through; she was wearing a doll mask which makes her looked scary.

'What do you want?' Ava recognised that this is the same voice that told her to leave Connor. 

'Ava Bekker, I warned you once.' The woman said. 'You didn't listen; I want you to suffer.' 

'I didn't do anything to you.' Ava still couldn't understand why she was being targeted. 

'You took away the man that I love.' The woman lost her patient. 

'I don't even know you!' Ava screamed, but soon she realised something. 'You mean Connor?' 

'You didn't leave me a choice.' The woman laughed. 'Relax, after you die, I will take care of him for you and your three children.' 

'I will protect them myself.' Ava said fearlessly, staring the woman in the eyes. 'You won't have a chance, Lisa.' 

'How smart, you guessed who I am.' The woman, no, Lisa took off her mask. 'But how unfortunate that you are going to die.'

'At least let me say my last words to my daughter.' Ava looked at her. 

'Be my guest.' Lisa didn't care. 

'When we are safe, mommy will bring you to have vanilla ice cream.' Ava said to Sara then kissed her on the forehead. 

Sara looked at her with confusion; she knows that herself that she can't have too much ice cream, and Ava never said this to her; usually, it was to Nathasha. 

However, she heard Ava yelled 'Sara, down.' So, she when laid down quickly. 

Outside, Jay and Connor hear Ava said vanilla ice cream, Jay sid in his mic 'Break in now!' 

Therefore, the SWAT team went in at the same time that Ava told Sara to get down. 

After massive chaos, the SWAT team got Lisa and Sara. Connor and Jay rushed in and Sara ran towards him. However, the man got Ava, he had a gun toward her head. 

'Kill her.' Lisa ordered him. 

'No! I will take her place.' Connor said. 

'Connor, I loved you! But you wouldn't hesitate to take her place to die.' Lisa completely lost it. 

'I never gave you anything sign, my father pushed you towards me.' Connor looked at her like he was looking at something disgusting. 

'Cornelius betrayed me.' Lisa said. 'And your little brats are in the way as well.' 

'You killed my father.' At this point, Connor was sure that she killed his father. 

'I did and I blamed it on her.' Lisa started laughing. She was scaring Sara, who put her head on Jay's shoulder. 

'Now, killed her!' She looked at the guy. 

Just when he was about to make a move, Ava ducked down and swing her arms. The next thing they knew was that blood coming out of the guy's legs and he kneels down. 

Ava was holding a scalpel in her hand. She took it from the ambulance and put it in her back pocket. When her hand was tight up, she couldn't reach it. Until Sara was sobbing early, she whispers to her and told her to take it out from her pocket. Then she kept it in her hand since. 

After the man was down, they capture him immediately. Also, they untied Ava. 

Sara ran towards her and Ava picked her up. Connor came a hugged them as well. 

They went to P.D together and make their statement then went home. 

Ava and Connor's house. 

Tony and Natasha were reading a book quietly on the couch while Mia and Kat were cooking.  

The door opened and they looked towards in that direction. 

'Mommy, Daddy! Sara!' Natasha said and ran towards them. 

So did Tony. 

The family was happily reunited. They hugged on the couch and treasuring every moment right now. 

Three months later.

Spring came and the wedding bell rang. 

Ava wearing her wedding dress walking down the aisle where Connor was waiting at the other end. Sara and Tony were walking in front of her holding the rings, and Natasha was holding the back of her dress. 

'Connor Rhodes, do you take Ava Bekker to be you lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does you part.'

'Yes, I do.' Connor said with a smile. 

'Ava Bekker, do you take Connor Rhodes to be you lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death does you part.'

'Yes, I do.' Ava said, smiling back. 

'Now, I announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.' 

Connor kissed Ava passionately.

After the kissed, Ava whispered in his ears 'Congratulations, My cowboy.'

'You too, Avey.' Connor replied. 'We will live happily ever after, with our three kids.' 

'Who said there are only three?' Ava smirked at him and led his hand to her belly.

Connor looked at her in shock. 

This the second last chapter! Next chapter will be about two time-jumps!

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