Chapter 16

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ED, Doctor lounge

'Connor, I...' Ava was not sure what Connor knows, but the fact the Natasha called her mommy had already given her out.

'Mommy looks who I found!' Natasha was excited to introduce Connor. 'I found Daddy!'

'How do you know that he is your dad?' Ava kneeled down to Natasha level and look at her. 

'You said that daddy is a doctor like you, he is a doctor and Auntie Kat showed me his picture... before.' Natasha was so happy that she forgot that Kat told her not to tell Ava about the picture and when she realised what she said, it is too late. 

Ava was speechless, she didn't know what to say. 'I am going to kill your auntie Kat' She can't punish Natasha because it is not her fault. Also, at this moment, Ava realised how much Natasha wanted a father. She took a deep breath and finally made up her mind. 

'Yes, he is your fath.. .' She looked at Natasha


A gunshot sound came from the ED and the sound of people panic and screaming followed.

'Stay here and hide.' Connor said.

Ava nodded and pulled Natasha in her arms. However, Connor missed the fear and nervous in Ava.

'Everyone out!' The shooter fire two more shots to the ceiling.

'Mommy!' Natasha cried.

'Hey, baby. We are going to be fine.' Ava tried to comfort her.

Natasha calmed down a bit but she is still a child, she couldn't stop sobbing.

While outside the doctor lounge, Connor helped to get the patients out.

'Doctor! You!' The shooter pointed the gun to Connor. 'Go sit there!'

'OK, I am going. Lower your gun.'

'Hurry up'

Connor sat in front of the doctor lounge. Meanwhile, Ava can see everything from a glass window from the lounge.

The shooter started searching room by room. When he got to the doctor lounge, he couldn't open the door.

'Give me that!' The shooter took one of the nurses key card. 

The door opened, he saw Ava and Natasha sitting on the floor behind the table. 

'Get out.' He pointed the gun to them. Ava tried to cover Natasha as much as possible, but you can clearly see she was shaking. They walked out and Connor saw them. He started to panic but he was trying to come up with an idea to take the shooter down. 

Ava went to sit next to Connor, holding Natasha tightly in her arms. However, Natasha started crying. 

'Shut her up!' The shooter pointed the gun to them. 

'She is just a kid.' Connor said. 

'Hey, it's ok. Don't look, hold on to me tight.' Ava tried to use her voice to comfort her. The crying turned into sobbing again. Connor also put one of his arms across on Natasha's back.

'What a lovely family?' The shooter said. 

Turns out, the shooter wife and kid died in the hospital three weeks ago. They were driving to a park, but he is an alcoholic and they ran into a truck. The wife and the kid were seriously injured and when they arrived at the ED, his wife's heart had stopped. His kid was under for so long, she was brain dead. He was also injured, but after he woke up, his in-laws had already decided to let their granddaughter go. Because of that, he started drinking again, more than before. And today, he decided to kill everyone that is in the ED. He had already killed both of his in-laws. 

'You know, I had this family before. You doctor fail to save them!' He screamed. 

The ED was so quiet, the only things that can be heard were Natasha's sobbing and the beeping sound of the monitor. And apparently, it was driving the shooter crazy. 

Connor noticed that and someone else did too. 

One man approached to Connor, he tapped his back and communicate with him using eyes contact. Smart like Connor, he understood it immediately. 

'Stop it, stop it, stop it!' The shooter covered up his ears with both of his hand. 

Connor and the guy saw that they tackle him down on the floor. 


Another shot was fired and then they heard the sound of the bullet entering into human flesh. 

'Ah!' Connor was shot. 

The other guy tackled the shooter down and kicked his gun away. Meanwhile, a lady was able to run to the door and unlocked it to let the police in. 

'Connor!' Ava settled Natasha with a nurse and ran towards him. 

The shooter shot Connor's arm. The blood was streaming out and Ava tried to stop it. Ava's tear blurred her vision. 

'Hey, Avey. I am ok.' Connor said weakly.

'Don't you dear die!' Ava cried out. Although she is a doctor and she knows that the wound is not fatal, she had lost her calmness when she saw Connor got shot.

'I promised, I won't let you be alone again.' Connor said and passed out. 

'Connor!' Ava couldn't stop the tear coming out from her eyes. She had been holding these tear and sallow for so long.

'Ava, we got him.' Will rushed over and got Connor up to a gurney. They wheeled him into a trauma room. 

'He is in good hand.' Natalie said, comforting Ava. 'He only got shot on his arm.' 

'Thank you.' Ava calmed down a little bit. 

She turned around and want to look for Natasha. However, after two steps, she passed out and collapsed on the floor. 

'Mommy!' Natasha saw her and ran towards Ava. 

'Ava?' The lady who opened the door ran towards her. 'Her pulse is weak.' She looked up to the man who tackled the shooter down with Connor. His picked Ava up and put her on a bed. He then listened to her heart and lunges. 

'She is ok, she just passed out because of the stress.' He said, wrapping the telescope to his neck.

'She has PTSD.' The lady said. 'She was involved in a shooting before.' 

'Auntie Nic...' Natasha who follow them in pulled the lady's shirt. 

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