Chapter 29

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'I will page CT.' Monique ran to the nurse station. 

CT floor

Lisa was going to get lunch and she was planning to go see Connor. She overheard that Connor and Ava are going to have a lunch date and she wants to go crash it. 

Just when she was about to go, nurse Emma got the call from the ED. 

'Dr Davies, ED need a consult.' Emma called her. 

'I am going to lunch, find someone else.' Lisa said impatiently. 

'All the other doctors are busy.' Emma said it quietly. 

'Fine, what it is.' Lisa replied. 

'35-year-old homeless male, he got hit by a car, his colon moved up his chest and...' Emma read from the chart before Lisa stopped her. 

'A homeless person with poo in his chest.' Lisa said, 'You try to ruin my lunch or what...' 

'But...' Emma is new and she had been threatened by Lisa for a long time. Lisa kept saying that she can get Emma fired. 

'I don't care, get someone else.' Lisa said aggressively and she walked away. 

Emma looked around and went to check the surgery schedule, she ran to the OR rooms and tried to get someone. 

Just when she got there, Ava walked out from OR2. 

'Dr Bekker, please help me!' Emma talked while she was running out of breath because of the running. 

'Ok, breath. Emma, right?' Ava put one hand on Emma's shoulder. 'What's wrong?' 

'They need a consult in ED, it is urgent and they need a surgeon now.' Emma said. 

'Sure, I am going down right now.' Ava nodded at her. 'Go get some water, ok?' 

Emma nodded her head and let Ava go. Ava went down to the ED immediately. 

ED, Hybrid OR. 

'Everything is ready Dr Rhodes.' One of the scrub nurses said. 

'Thanks, who is coming down from CT?' Connor asked. He has been waiting. 

'I am.' Ava walked in the OR. 

'Ava.' Connor was surprised.

'Lets's get started.' Ava let the nurse put the gown on her. 

The surgery started and even though they haven't worked together for a long time, they still work like a dream team. 

'When I asked for a CT surgeon to assist, I thought I was getting a resident.' Connor joked. 

'You were, but apparently we were busy on the CT floor today. The nurse was lucky to find me.' Ava said. 'Pick up.' 

'Oh, there I thought I was special.' Connor finished a run of stitches. 

'Don't flatter yourself.' Ava smiled underneath her mask. 

'Ok, the colons are back in place and now we only need to clean his chest with 2 liter of saline.' Connor said. 

'Sure boss.' Ava said. 

'God, I miss you.' Connor looked at her. Then he realised where he is and clean his throat. 'We all are.' 

Ava didn't say anything but smiled.

They started to clean his chest and soon Connor noticed something was troubling Ava. She kept leaning forwards and taking breaks. It is weird because Ava is always quick. 

'Dr Bekker, are you ok?' Connor asked.

'Yes...' Ava said weakly and you can clearly see that she was sweating and her face was getting pale. 

'No, you are not, what's wrong?' Connor said. 

'Stomach ache.' Ava said. 

'Margot can you get Dr Bekker some warm water please.' Connor said to one of the nurses. 'Is there another surgeon that we can page?' 

'Dr Harvard should be free now. Page her.' Ava said while she wiped the sweat off her forehead. 

'Dr Harvard is coming down now.' Marty who just called the CT said. 

'Dr Bekker, water.' Margot passes her the cup. 

'Ava, why don't you say something?' Connor asked. 

'I thought it will pass.' Ava said in pain. 'I don't want to be the princess.' 

'What do you meant it will pass?' 

'I had it before. After I had Natasha, I get cramp when I don't eat.' 

'Have you had lunch?' 

'No, not yet.' Ava took a deep breath. 'I came straight down here from another surgery.' 

'Ava...' Connor looked at her. 

'Hey, I am here. What do you need me for?' Mia arrived and asked. Then she saw Ava sitting with one hand on her stomach. 'Did you forget to eat again?' 

Ava nodded. 

'Dr Harvard, can you rinse the chest wall while I take Dr Bekker to get something to eat.' Connor said. 

'Sure.' Mia took the instruments and started rinsing. 

Connor helped Ava getting up and walked out the OR together. They went down to the cafeteria and got Ava a bowl of chicken corn soup. 

'Better?' Connor asked. 

'Yeah, thank you.' Ava said gently. 

'Is that why you stop drinking black coffee?' 


'I am sorry.' Connor grabbed Ava's hand that was on the table. 

'For what?' Ava tried to pull her hand back but soon she relaxed it. 

'Leaving you like that, not being there...' Connor said.

'Hey.' Ava put the other hand on Connor's cheek. 'It's not your fault. We both share blame on this one.' 

'And this is our chance, to forgive and be back to each other.' Connor put his hand on Avas'.

'Guess what?' Ava smiled. 

Connor tilted his head and raised his eyebrow. 

'We got our lunch date after all.' Ava tilted her head as well. 

'You know I am actually craving for chicken corn soup now.' Connor looked at the bowl of soup that Ava was having. 

'Too bad, I think they sold out.' Ava looked over Connor's shoulder where the chicken corn soup was and the staff just put down the 'sold out' sign. 

'But we have an extra spoon.' Connor grabbed the spoon that was on the tray. 'Care to share?' 

Ava scooped a spoon of soup with hers and put it in front of Connor, just when Connor's mouth comes close, Ava pulled it back and put it in her own mouth. Then she started giggling.

'Trick ya!' Ava said. 

'Oh, is this how it goes now?' Connor said. Then when Ava took another spoon full, he grabbed her waist and tried to put the spoon in his mouth. 

They started playing around until the OR paged them, they went back in and finished the surgery. 

However, neither of them know that someone was there and watched them the whole time, Lisa. 

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