Chapter 41

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Two weeks later...

Most thing went back to normal. Ava and Connor went back to work, but they are mostly taking morning shifts now.

Natasha is still her happy and cheeky self. Tony is fully recovered and Sara still love reading.

Ava and Connor's house, 7:30 am.

This morning, it's another chaotic morning. From no kid to threes kids, Ava and Connor still trying to get a hang of it.

'Breakfast is ready.' Connor put four plates on the table with avocado toast in them, it is a family favorite.

'Thanks, daddy.' Natasha hopped up to the chair.

'Thank you.' Tony said, he helped Natasha stable the chair so she doesn't fall over then he sat down at his chair.

Ava walked out of her room while she was putting her jumper on.

'How is Sara?' Connor asked.

Sara burned up last night without a warning. With her asthma, it was a rough night for her.

'Her temperature is down, she is still sleeping.' Ava answered.

'Breakfast is ready, should I take a day off today?' Connor pushed the plate toward Ava as she sat down between Tony and Natasha.

'No, you got a important surgery today, and I already did. I don't have surgery today just paperwork.' Ava said.

'OK, then. I will send these two to kindergarten and school, and tell the teacher that Sara is not feeling good.' Connor nodded.

'Thank you. My love.' Ava put her hand on his.

Connor kissed her on the forehead.

'Can I have a kiss?' Natasha said with avocado all around her mouth and hands.

'Of course, sweetheart.' Ava gently wiped her face and kissed her on the cheek.

Natasha smiled. Ava turned to the other side and kissed Tony as well.

Not for long, they finished their breakfast. Ava helped Natasha get dressed, Connor and Tony went back to their room an got dressed themselves.

Then, Connor went to check on Sara. She was still sleeping. Connor kissed her on her forehead and left a note on her bedside table.

The note said, I love you, daddy's princess.

After they were all ready to go, Tony and Natasha said goodbye to Ava.

'Do you have any plan today?' Connor asked as he was putting his shoes on.

'Finish the paperwork, and if Sara is feeling better. I may take her to the park and get some sunshine.'

'That's sound good.' Connor said holding Ava's hand. 'I will be home as soon as I can today.'

'I love the sound of that.' Ava smiled.

'Yeah?' Connor pulled her toward himself and wrapped his arms around her waist. 'Maybe I should really take the day off.'

'No, go save live. We will be fine.' Ava put her hands around his neck first, then she started to fix his collar. 'Beside, we took a lot of days off before.'

'Wifey is always right.' Connor said. 'I love you, Avey.'

'I love you too, my cowboy.' Ava's cheeks turned red when Connor said 'wifey', but soon she smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Connor kissed her back but this time it was a much longer kiss.

Until someone decided to interupt them.

'Daddy, we are ready!' Natasha ran toward them.

'I am coming.' Connor replied. 'Got to go.'

'Drive safe.' Ava smiled and nodded.

Connor let her go and squeezed her hand before he went to the kids.

Ava leaned against the wall and watched them leave.

Connor picked up both Natasha and Tony's backpack with one hand and his on his shoulder.

Natasha held Connor's empty hand and held Tony's hand at the same time.

'Bye guys.' Ava blowed then a kiss. 'Love you all.'

'Bye, mommy.' Natasha waved her hand.

Ava waved at her too.

Later, around 10 am, Sara got up while Ava was working in the study.

'Mommy?' Sara found Ava and walked in the study, she was rubbing her eyes with one hands and holding her favorite bunny plush toy with the other.

'Hey, baby. You are up.' Ava put down the file and picked Sara up because she was wearing any socks or slippers. 'How are you feeling?'

'Tired.' Sara put her head on Ava's shoulder and snuggled her.

Ava put her hand on Sara's forehead and felt relieved when she felt that her temperature was normal.

'My poor baby.' Ava said as she walked to Sara's room still holding Sara.

Ava found a jumper and put it on Sara. Then she got some socks and put them on her too. Ava cleaned Sara up and walked with her to the living room. She laid a blanket on the couch and tucked Sara in that.

'Mommy is going to cook some chicken corn soup, why don't you read a book when you wait.' Ava handed her a new book that she was going to give it to her next week when she get her test results back.

'Thanks, mommy.' Sara smiled and nodded.

Ava went into the kitchen. The room was quiet, the only things that you can hear was the sound of the water boiling, bowls clinging and the sound of paper flipping.

Soon, the soup was ready. Ava fed Sara herself when Sara was telling her the story that she was reading.

It was so peaceful and Ava enjoyed the quite day with her little girl. And she found out that Sara is a lot more like her personality wise than Natasha. Sara is so quiet and she doesn't make noise even when she is uncomfortable, of course, unless she is way too uncomfortable.

Knowing this fact, Ava love her even more.

After lunch, the two went for a nap together and after that Sara felt much better. So they went to a market nearby to get ingredients for dinner.

On the other hand, after Connor dropped Natasha and Tony off, he went to work. For the whole morning he was doing surgery. Everything seem fine until Connor received a call from pathology after lunch...

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