Chapter 20

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'Mommy, 5 more minutes.' Natasha stretched her little body in bed and refused to get up. 

Today is the day that Connor and Ava taking Natasha to the park and the shop. Ava got up early to prepare the food for the picnic and she needs to get Natasha out of bed before Connor arrive. 

'Daddy is coming to pick us up.' Ava said and she looked at the clock. 'in about 20 minutes. You better hurry up or we are leaving without you.'

'Us? Mommy, are you coming with up?' Natasha popped her head out of the blanket. 

'Yes.' Ava smiled at her and tucked Natasha's hair behind her ear. 

'Yay!' Natasha jumped up on the bed. 

Natasha got out of bed and got ready quickly with Ava'shelp. Natasha got cereal with a few strawberries for breakfast. 

*Knock knock

'Hey.' Ava opened the door.

'Hey.' Connor stood there with roses in his hands, he handed them to Ava 'These are for you.' 

'Thank you.' Ava got the roses. 'Come in, Natasha just finishing up her breakfast.'

Ava still lives in Kat's apartment, well, her old apartment. Kat was so excited about her moving back to Chicago. Since the apartment on the floor down is for lease, Ava rent it and waiting to get stuff ship back from Seattle. She is leaving in three days, and she doesn't want Natasha to travel with her, so Ava decided to leave her with Connor. 

'Daddy!' Natasha saw Connor. After finishing the last mouth full of food, she ran towards Connor and gave him a hug. 

'Hey, sweetheart.' Connor picked her up. 'Are you ready to go?' 

'Absolutely.' Natasha smiled and wrapped her arms around Connor's neck. However, she jumped off Connor and ran to where she had breakfast. 

Connor was so confused. 

'Mommy said that always clean up the mess that is created.' Natasha picked up the dirty dishes from the table and put it in the sink.

'Good girl.' Ava came out of the bedroom. 

'You taught her well.' Connor looked at Ava. 

'Ready to go?' Ava asked as she picked up the picnic basket.

'Yeah, let's go.' Connor took the heavy basket from Ava. 

Ava help Natasha put on her little backpack and got out of the door. 

Because Ava doesn't own a car in Chicago, Connor is driving. Just when Ava through that she is going to see that fancy car again, Connor led her to a family SUV. 

'I trade my car in and got this one.' Connor noticed Ava's confusion. 'Thought it will be safe for us to travel in and better for her.' 

Something in Ava's heart was touched and she sort of just lost focus. 

'Natasha, your seat is this way.' Connor picked her up and walked to the side behind the driver seat. 'Natalie told me this is the best baby seat, Ava?' 

'Yeah, that's perfect.' She opened the passenger door and sat in. 

Connor started driving and soon they arrived at the Millennium Park. 

Millennium Park

It was a beautiful day, the sky is clear and it was sunny. Because it was a Saturday, there are quite a lot of family in the park.

They parked their car and set up everything. They brought bubble and a ball to play, but soon Natasha and Connor were playing catch. Ava sat on the picnic mat and watched them play. She tried to be there for Natasha as much as possible but as a single mother and a surgeon, she is so tired after work and unable to do anything this physical. Ava usually takes her to a museum or the aquarium. 

Just when Ava was zone out and enjoying these scenes, Connor put Natasha on his shoulders and made a plane flying to Ava. 

'Mommy look!' Natasha said. She always wanted to do this with her daddy. When she saw Allison ride on Owen's shoulder, she dreamed of this day.

Ava smiled back at her. 

Then they pull out the bubble and blew it towards each other. They all chase each other around and passing a ball to each other. 

After a while, Ava felt so tired and she sat back down first. She watched them play for a while before Connor picked Natasha up again and play rocket to fly to her. Connor was sort of exhausted as well, both he and Natasha had sweat on their forehead. 

They both sat down next to Ava and she handed Connor a bottle of water and towel as well as Natasha her water bottle. She took a towel to wipe off the sweat on Natasha's forehead gently.

'Tired? ' Ava asked. 

'It's like just finished a three-hour surgery.' Connor said wiping his sweat away with a towel. 

'You will get used to it.' Ava smiled.

'How do they have so much energy?' 

'They are kids.' Ava said. Then she looked around. 'Things are back to normal now.' 

Connor followed Ava eye line and got what she was talking about the shooting before. 

'Life will and need to keep going.' 

'I remember that day we were so exhausted after working in the ER, then we need to help with the surgeries upstairs.' Ava said thinking about that day. 

'And then we fell asleep in the doctor lounge next to each other.' Connor followed and took them down on a memory lane. 'You used me as a human heater and I woke up with you arms and legs wrapped around my body.' 

'Ok, that's it. It was cold in Chicago. There was also strong air condition in the lounge.' Ava blushed. 

Connor didn't say anything but laughed. He remembered that Ava didn't like the cold before since she came from a warmer country. 

After a little rest, they were starting to get all hungry. 

'Mommy, can we get ice cream?' Natasha asked. There was an old man selling ice cream from an ice cream truck. 

'Only if you finish your sandwich.' Ava tapped her nose. Then she for a ham, cheese and lettuce sandwich out for Natasha. 

Connor looked at his watch and realised it is lunchtime. He took one sandwich from the basket and he was surprised. 

'I don't know you are such a good cook Ava.' Connor said. 

'It's only a sandwich.' Ava took one as well then she smirked. 'You also don't know a lot about me.' 

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