Chapter 32

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Present time 

'So you know each other?' Ava looked at the two. 


'Not really.'

Kat and Mia answered at the same time. 

Ava looked at them with a confused face but she decided not to snoop and let them be. She looked at the chart and said. 'I think Mia can handle this case.' 



The two voices came up at the same time again. 

'Well, Mia is a fellow and you are an experienced surgeon.' Ava said to Kat. 'Have fun you two.' 

Ava put the tablet in Mia's hand and left. Kat and Mia looked at each other awkwardly until the nurse came and called them into the patient's room. 

Later that day

Ava finished her shift and so did Connor, they decided to pick to Natasha from the daycare together. 

'Daddy!' Natasha ran straight towards Connor.

'Hey, sweetheart!' Connor picked her up and kissed her on her cheek. 

'Someone turned into daddy's girl already.' Ava who stood next to Connor was completely ignored by Natasha.

'I miss you so much, mommy.' Natasha said, reaching her arms out to Ava.  

'Miss you too, sweetheart.' Ava took her from Connor's arm and kissed her. 'Did you have fun today?' 

'Yes, Miss Mandy let us play...' Natasha started going on and on about her day in the daycare. 

Ava and Connor looked at each other and both of them see the same 'That's our daughter' looks on each other's faces. 

Their life is heading in a good direction, but someone is trying to ruin it. 

Some restaurant

Lisa and her father were waiting for someone and soon they saw the person they were waiting for. 

'Uncle Cornelius!' Lisa waved. 

Yes, Cornelius Rhodes, Connor's father.

'Oh, darling, Lisa it's been so long.' Cornelius greeted her and her father. 

The dinner started and the two men talked about business, then Cornelius started to ask Lisa about work. 

'So, Lisa, do you enjoy working in Med?' Cornelius asked. 

'Yes, I love working there, just...' Lisa smiled first then she pretended she had something to say but embarrassed to say it. 

'What's wrong?' Cornelius caught the 'uncertainty' in Lisa's voice. 

'Nothing, I am ok.' Lisa said and started to have tears in her eyes. 

'It's ok, you can tell me, your father and I have your back.' Cornelius fell for the trick that Lisa pulled. 

'We had a new chief of CT.' Lisa said slowly. 'Dr Ava Bekker.' 

'Ava Bekker?'

'Yes, she is... just really... um... strict and... ' Lisa told the two men about Ava and the incident that happened before, however, these stories were all twisted by Lisa. 

'This is unacceptable!' Cornelius said after hearing Lisa's stories. 'I said she should be fired.' 

'No, she is a good mentor, I think she just jealous of me and think that I am in there because of my father.' Lisa was still trying to pretend that she is the 'understanding' victim. 

the conversation continues and the centre of the conversation slowly move toward Connor. 

'You said she seduced my son?' Cornelius couldn't believe his ears. 

'Yeah, and I saw her with a little girl the other day, she called her 'Mommy'.' Lisa added. 

... ... 

They talked about Ava and Connor the whole entire time until they leave the restaurant. Through the whole dinner, Lisa acted like she was all innocent and she is the victim. To her success, the two men said to her that she can do whatever she wants. For that reason, Lisa came up with a plan. 

At the end of the night, they all went home with different intentions and thoughts. 

Lisa was thinking about a plan to make Ava suffer a bit and something came into her mind. 

On the other hand, Cornelius was started to wonder who is the father of Ava's daughter. So he called his assistant to find a private investigator to find out. 

A week later

After Ava dropped Natasha at the daycare, she began her day at work. Around lunchtime, she received a call. 

'Ava Bekker, are you sure your daughter is where you think she is.' A weird kid's voice came through and then hung up quickly. 'Leave Connor Rhodes and leave Chicago, or you won't see your daughter again.'

'Hello?' Ava was confused before then she realised what the voice said. She called the daycare immediately. 

'Hi, I am Ava Bekker, Natasha's mother, I would like to know if my daughter still in daycare?' 

'Hi, Dr Bekker, they are playing in the playground right now, I will go check and call you back.' 

'Ok, thank you.' 

After talking to the teacher on the phone, Ava went down to the ED to find Connor, she was so worried right now. 


Connor was checking the chart at the nurse station. 

'Connor.' Ava ran towards him. 

'Ava? What's wrong?' Connor saw her running towards him. 

'Natasha.' After Ava found Connor, she can finally share this scare and worried, so the tear start to filled her eyes. 'I got a call...' 

After listening to Ava about what happened, Connor held her in his arms. 

'Have you contact the daycare.' Connor comforted her. 

'The teacher hasn't called me back yet.' 

Just after Connor finished his sentences, Ava's phone rang. 

'Hi, Miss Mandy...' 

'Hi, Dr Bekker. According to the record, your daughter had been picked up by her grandfather.'

'I didn't ask anyone to picked her up.' 

'On the form, the name was Cornelius Rhodes...' 

The teacher explained what happened. Cornelius showed up and tell the teacher that he is Natasha's grandfather. The new teacher didn't know the policy well, she saw Connor's name on the parent contexts form, also the teacher recognised the name, well, Rhodes. Therefore she didn't doubt and send Natasha with him. 

Natasha on the other hand, never know her grandfather and she is still young.

Ava hung up the phone and told Connor. 

'Hey, think about the good side, my father won't hurt her.' Connor was so mad at his father. 

'Ture, but where is she?' Ava still worried, after what happened to her with Cornelius, Ava couldn't help herself to think of the worse. 'And what does he want?' 

'I can call my contact back home, he may know where he took her.' Connor took out his phone. 

'Please...' Ava's eyes were still full of tears and worried. 

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