Caves and Colors and Varying Levels of Artistic Ability

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"Caving?" Gaten asked.

"Trust me" Declan's echoing voice replied as she disappeared down into the tunnels. The cast quickly rushed to follow.

As they looked around, they realized the tunnels were tall and wide, not claustrophobic, and held many interesting items in them.

"Is that a bed?"

"A bike?"

"I think that's a table!"

"A stage?!"

"Yeah, people used to hang out down here all the time. They might still, I don't know, but they used to have secret parties" Declan explained.

"You've been to some, I take it?" Noah asked curiously.

"Oh yeah" She chuckled dryly.

"Was it scary?" Gaten asked.

"Not in the ways you would think" She replied vaguely.

"I bet it would be fun" Sadie smirked.

"It was. But it's more fun when no ones here" Declan replied, leading everyone further and further into the tunnels, her flashlight the only source of light. They slipped down a steep hill and Declan stopped them abruptly at the bottom of it.

"Okay watch your step here. There's water so we have to walk on the metal logs" Declan flashed over them with her light.

"Actually?" Millie asked, her face uncertain as she looked to Declan.

"They're totally stable" Declan promised. "You can come with me"

"Deal" Millie sighed as she took Declan's hand.

"You guys go, I'll bring up the back" Caleb nodded.

"The Assistant Adventure in Command of my dreams" Finn teased as he walked in front of him.

"Oh you wish you were!" Caleb chuckled.

Once they realized the logs really were stable, the cast squealed and laughed as they jumped from metal log to metal log.

"This is like real life Crossy Roads!" Sadie giggled.

"I'm so bad at that game" Noah shook his head and muttered under his breath, making Millie, who caught it, start laughing.

"Why is it more fun when no one is here?" Finn asked Declan once they were all on solid ground again.

"Becauseeee..." Declan trailed off as she led them around a bend.

"Then we can do this" She smirked as they faced a huge wall, filled with spray paint art layered over spray paint art. There were also hundreds of divots in the wall around the mess of color.

"What are these?" Millie asked, resting her finger on one.

"Candle holders" Declan replied as she took out the tealight candles she had brought.

"What?" Caleb questioned.

"You'll see. Put one in every divot you see" She said and they all immediately began grabbing candles. Once a few were in place, Declan took her lighter and began lighting them.

"Woah" Gaten smiled at the soft light that began filling the space.

"Thissss is cool" Noah smiled and nodded his head as they resumed placing the candles.

"Fuck!" Declan suddenly hissed under her breath after a few minutes. Noah and Finn turned to her.

"You okay?" Finn asked as he went over.

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