Welcome To The Losers Club

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"Good luck Declan" Cam smiled. He had been nagging her the whole ride there about what to do and say and that he wanted updates as SOON as anything happened. Declan had almost hit him like four times.

"Yeah, yeah" She rolled her eyes.

"Just try and have fun, okay? And don't scare him away!" He chuckled.

"Since when do you care if I scare my dates away?" Declan scoffed.

"Since I liked this one" Cameron nudged her playfully.

"You're such a headache!" Declan waved him off playfully as she opened the door to the car.

They were three hours early to the red carpet. No one was even allowed in then, but of course, they had made a special exception for Declan, even reserved her a room and makeup artist.

"Here" Cam handed her her outfit in its bag as she climbed out. "You mime" He teased her about the black-and-white-stripped nature of her outfit.

"Wow, you're hilarious and original" She rolled her eyes and closed the door. "Plus you've got the wrong stripe orientation!" She defended.

Cam rolled the window down as he pulled away.

"Have fun!" He called out.

3, 2, 1.... and he was gone around the corner.

"We'll see about that" She sighed and headed inside.


"Oh my god, you're too funny!" Sophia laughed at the girl.

Declan, in the hour since she had been here, had managed to find herself at the epicenter of the IT cast.

She had been wandering around the place in her black graphic tee shirt, black jeans, chain loop belt, silver chains around her neck, with mismatched earrings and rings she was absent-mindedly messing with, looking for something when Jaeden had run right into her.

"Shit! Sorry!" He exclaimed before looking up at her. "Holy shit.... wait a minute.... you're Declan Eilistrae, right?!" He gawked.

Originally, Declan's plan had been to stay low, wait for Finn, hopefully he wouldn't freak out (okay, he was totally gonna freak out but maybe possibly minimally?), ask him if he wanted her to attend still, and then go from there.

Meeting Jaeden, one of Finn's close friends, didn't exactly fit into that plan.

"Oh... yeah I am" She shook her head to clear her mind and then nodded, "Where are my fucking manners? Sorry. Jaeden, right?" She extended her hand.

"Yeah yeah, Jaeden Martell" He smiled big and took her hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm a huge fan of your work, and we've heard a lot about you"

Declan instantly felt a little more at ease. She liked this boy. His demeanor was calm and genuine.

"You have?" She questioned his statement curiously.

"Well the instagram, of course, and Finn told us a lot during filming. We haven't heard from him much though since then, busy guy" Jaeden shrugged.

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