Rain As Like... A Symbol, Maybe?

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After everyone had asked all their questions, they had pulled up a video of The Magic Tree to show, and everyone had fallen asleep during "The Longest Ride"—a horrific Nicolas Sparks movie that Millie has insisted on—Declan and Finn found themselves on a balcony on the second floor. Caleb's parents were away for the weekend, so they were all staying over.

They were leaning against the railing, facing in on an angle towards each other but not touching, and not speaking much... actually. They had silently agreed during the movie to go upstairs, Declan had been looking for an open window with some air when she had stumbled across the master bedroom with its perfect little balcony. The air was fresh, still a light drizzle falling, but neither of them minded. They had then proceeded to their current positions, looking out, but together.

Declan took out a cigarette.

"You mind?" She asked.

"I don't like it" Finn replied, "But whatever"

Declan tried to light it, but the drizzling rain was enough to make it difficult.

"Fuck" She mumbled.

"Here" Finn held his hands over the flame as she tried again. It caught and he pulled away, looking off at the horizon.

Declan took a drag.

"Thanks" She said.

"When did you start that?" He asked, casting a distasteful glance at the cancer stick in her mouth.

"Eighth grade. Me and Silver Thomas would sneak out during lunch and smoke behind the school with the high school kids. We thought we were the shit" Declan rolled her eyes.

"And since then?" Finn asked.

"It's been on and off. Mostly when I get... anxious or whatever" She shrugged.

"You anxious right now?" Finn raised a curious eyebrow.

"You always make me anxious" She replied. He couldn't tell if she was joking or not...

"No I don't" Finn scoffed.

"Why do you say that?" Declan challenged.

"How could I make you—the queen of everything, who never breaks, who never needs comfort, who can do everything on her own—anxious?" Finn laughed dryly.

"You underestimate how much I've entrusted in you. How rare it is for me to let myself be around you. You're just as dangerous to me as this is" She replied, taking another drag of her cigarette and nodding to it.

"I don't underestimate it Declan. I know this isn't your game, but I would never ever hurt you, you know that. I can't. I would get thrown away by you a hundred times before I would fight back. You make me..." Finn sighed frustratedly.

"Powerless" She mumbled. "I know the feeling"

"Do you?" Finn questioned condescendingly as she took another drag.

"Really?" Declan fired back. "After my month?! Jeez Finn!"

"Oh come on Declan!" Finn spat back.

There was a bitter silence as Finn turned back out towards the balcony and Declan faced away towards the house, smoking.

"I'm in love with you" Finn spoke up. He didn't look back at her. She didn't look at him. "It really fucking sucks"

She put out her cigarette.

"What do you want me to say?" She whispered, still staring at the house, through the window to the perfectly designed master bedroom. Declan wondered if the people who resided there were as perfect as they seemed.

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