Beware Bedrooms

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The next morning, Declan woke up in Finn's arms. He was warm. He was always so warm, she thought to herself as she opened her eyes gently. She shifted to look at him, only to see he was still very much asleep. Declan looked at the time: 10:28 am. Shit. The cast was certainly up, which means they certainly knew Declan and Finn we're together.

"We're fucked" Declan frowned as she spoke to her sleeping boy.

He looked peaceful and content. She wondered if he would stay that way as they got older, secretly wanting to preserve him in this state forever.

Suddenly, he took in a large breath and mumbled an exhale, his throat gravely, squinting his eyes.

Declan chuckled softly at him, causing him to open his eyes ever so slight, see Declan, close his eyes, and smile as he pull her in close to him again.

"Good morning baby" He mumbled.

"Good morning" She chuckled, pushing some of his curls out of his face.

"I adore waking up with you" He sighed contently.

"I think one of us has to leave the room first" Declan ignored his remark, "And I vote you"

"Why?" Finn frowned, nuzzling his head further into her.

"Unless you want everyone to think we just had sex-"

"Eh they think that anyways" Finn mumbled dismissively.

"No, they really don't" Declan chuckled.

"What?" Finn frowned.

"You may be obvious, but I've worked hard not to be" She replied.

"You haven't told anyone?" Finn frowned.

"Have you?" Declan questioned.

"I told Sadie I'm in love with you" Finn shrugged. Declan laughed at him. 

"Cameron and Caleb picked up on you and your arms" Declan rolled her eyes.

"My arms?" Finn frowned.

"You like to have your arms around me" Declan explained, "A lot"

"You just fit so well" He sighed happily as he pulled her closer.

"Since you told someone, I win, and therefore you have to leave first" Declan pushed him away.

"Mmmkayyyyy fineeeee!!!" He huffed tiredly.

They laid on the bed a few feet apart from another moment before Finn got up and started getting dressed. Declan propped herself up on her elbow as she watched him go about his tasks.

"See you down there" He made his way back to the bed as he pulled on a shirt and leaned over, kissing her. "And staring is rude" he teased.

"Shut up" She laughed as she proceeded to get up and ready herself.

Finn walked down the stairs, yawning as he turned the corner and entered the open area that held the living room and kitchen.

"Oh look who's up!" Noah smirked. The group, who was gathered around the kitchen island, eating and talking, turned to the lanky boy walking towards them.

"Hey, at least I stayed up the whole movie! Babies!" Finn smirked back.

"Where's Declan?" Sadie asked, a hint of something in her voice but Finn was too tired to determine it.

"Well if she's not here then she must still be asleep down the hall" Finn lied effortlessly and turned to Caleb, "I think she slept in your sister's room, I hope that's fine?"

"You guys didn't sleep in the guest room upstairs?" Sadie questioned.

"I did" Finn replied, "Alone"

"How do you know there's a guest room upstairs Sadie?" Millie frowned.

"Intuition" Caleb answered for her.

"How did everyone know about all these beds except us?!" Gaten asked.

"'All these beds'?" Finn questioned curiously.

"Yeah! You, Declan, Sadie, and Caleb—obviously—all ended up in beds while Millie was on the couch, me on the floor, and Gaten on the recliner" Noah replied.

"Ah" Finn raised his eyebrows suggestively at the redhead and house owner as he poured his orange juice. Sadie avoided his gaze and Caleb asked if anyone wanted anymore food.

Finn chuckled and started loading two plates up.

"Thanks to whoever cooked" Finn added.

"All Noah and Sadie" Gaten smiled.

"Hey! I helped!" Millie began arguing with Gaten and the other two about her kitchen contributions, and Caleb used the chaos as an opportunity to approach Finn.

"Nice shirt" Caleb noted, smirking.

Finn frowned and looked down at his shirt. It was a dark colored Ramones band shirt like so many of his. Except it wasn't his. It was Declan's.

He silently cursed the fact that she wore men's shirts that were too big for her, but Caleb was more observant than most, and the others probably wouldn't notice the switch.

"Thanks" Finn tried to reply casually.

"You guys slept together?" Caleb smirked.

"I could ask you and Sadie the same question" Finn replied as he set the plates down, "But no, we didn't, if you must know"

"You said my sisters bedroom, right? On the first floor?" Caleb smirked.

Finn froze for a millisecond before returning to his facade, almost unnoticeably.

Fuck a bedroom on the first floor! Finn thought to himself. What was he gonna do when she came down the stairs?!

But suddenly, Declan was appearing from the first floor corridor, on the complete opposite side of the house, wearing her black hoodie and gray sweatpants.

Finn tried to hide his surprise as Caleb narrowed his eyes at her.

"Hey Declan.... sleep well?" Caleb asked carefully.

"You're sisters room is adorably aesthetic" Declan replied. "You and Sadie?" She asked casually.

Sadie choked on her orange juice and Caleb sighed.

"I think the basement guest room was alright, right Sadie?" Caleb turned to her.

"Little drafty, but just fine" She nodded.

Finn smirked at the two as he held out Declan's plate to the side. She came up from behind him and took it, thanking him, before heading to the living room to sit between Millie and Gaten, dissolving easily into some unimportant conversation.

Finn smirked as he took his plate, slung his arm around a confused Caleb, and lead them to sit with the group, just talking and laughing and making jokes about absolutely nothing, exactly like kids were supposed to on a Saturday off.

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