Stranger In The Night

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She stumbled down the steps out of the trailer a bit, catching her footing at the bottom.

"Fuck" She mumbled to herself.

She looked around and Finn wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Finn?" She called softly. No response.

She started walking around—albeit slower than she would have liked, she was really unsteady. She wondered around the set, through trailers, squinting and catching her balance every few minutes in the dark.

"Fuck me, it's been awhile I guess" She huffed as she paused for a moment. "Okay... think. If I was a brooding, overly-emotion, slightly jealous, and not very party-enjoying male, where the hell would I go?"

She looked around. Thinking about the feelings of anger and isolation she had often felt. Where had they taken her?


She glanced at the studio roof and thought she saw the movement of a shadow.

"Gottcha" She smirked before making her way into the studio.

She knew damn well she couldn't climb the outside, so she opted for the stairs. Once inside, she found it darker than she remembered.

"Fuck" She felt around for a light of any kind but instead came in contact with an arm.

"What the hell?" She mumbled, tightening her grip. She squinted as the person came further into the moonlight, and when she didn't recognize him, pushed him away and backed up.

"Fuck fuck fuck" She murmured to herself as she quickly and clumsily made her way to the stairs and ran up them, hearing footsteps follow behind her.

Suddenly she was being yanked backwards, her shirt torn from the force as she stumbled and crashed into the railing.

"Hello?? Is someone there?!" Finns voice called from above her.

The man before her lunged at her. She yelled and kicked him, sending him stumbling a few steps back as she scrambled to get up. He tossed something at her back, something metal, and it hit her hard.

"Fuck!" She yelled as she tried to steady the world from spinning, her back and shoulder throbbing.

"Hello?? What's going on? Who's there? Are you okay?" Finn's voice descended again.

The man put a hand on her shoulder but she managed to duck out of it and twist his arm. He yelled and swung at her, hitting her temple.

"Jesus Christ fuck!" She yelled before kicking his leg out from underneath him, his arm still twisted, so it broke when he fell. He screamed and immediately went to cradle his arm on the steps and Declan ran up them, away from him, as fast as she could.

As she was getting to the rooftop door, she crashed into Finn...

"Declan?! What's going on?! Are yo-" Finn stopped suddenly upon looking at her.

Her face was bruising, she was favoring one side of her upper body, her shirt was torn, and she couldn't seem to stand up straight.

"Holy shit..." He mumbled as he slowly walked over to her, gently putting his hand on the un-bruised side of her face and his arm around her waist to steady her.

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