Everyone's Bad At Secrets

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"Got it?" Ross sighed after about two straight hours of talking.




"Sure thing"

The group mumbled in response. Natalia was sleeping in Charlie's arms, Gaten had been on his phone the past hour, Caleb and Sadie had been mumbling to each other the whole time, which Declan would know because Sadie was lying across them both: head in Caleb's lap and legs in Declan's. Finn sat in front of the loveseat they were on, between Declan's legs, resting his head somewhere along Sadie's long, extended legs. Millie was sat up excitedly, clinging to a yawning Noah's arm. Charlie talked softly to Joe every once in awhile, playing with Natalia's hair. Maya had come in about halfway through, late, and was sitting next to Millie and Noah, listening attentively.

"Great. See you all at the venue when?" Matt smiled at them.

"9 am!" They chorused, startling Natalia awake. Charlie and Joe laughed at her, causing her to grumble and hit them both as she stood.

"Go get some sleep Natty" Declan chuckled.

"Only for you Lana" She blew the girl a tired kiss as Charlie wrapped his arm around her and everyone started to leave.

"So" Caleb yawned and stretched, "what's the plan?"

"The plan?" Sadie frowned at him.

"Yeah I thought the plan was go home and sleep?" Finn protested.

"Yeah I don't know, I'm not feeling too hot, I think Cam's gonna come pick me up" Declan mumbled.

Finn, who had now moved to sit on the couch next to Declan, frowned and reached up, placing his palm on her cheek gently and turned her face towards him.

Everyone froze and stared at him: startled, confused, and slightly uncomfortable.

"Really? You alright?" Finn mumbled in concern as his eyes flickered over her face, completely in his own world.

Declan coughed in order to escape his hand and Finn, eyes widening, quickly realized what he had done and retracted his hand.

"You had someth-"

"Yeah" She cut him off quickly. "Someone might wanna check him for a fever too" Declan huffed as she stood.

"Bye guys" She slung her bag over her shoulder, and just like that, she was gone.

Everyone turned their gaze towards Finn.

"Yeah... Guess I might be a little on the tired side" He said awkwardly. There was a moment of silence.

Then, Millie broke the tension by chuckling, inspiring the others to do the same, and soon they were all laughing.

Declan smiled from outside the trailer before she got into the back seat of a black car.

"Hello Miss Eilistrae" The driver smiled back at her.

"Hi Robby" She gave him a pleasant smile.


"Whenever you are"

And they drove off.


"So?" The man asked her anxiously.

"I would absolutely love to" Declan smiled.

"Really? Great!" He broke into a smile, "Oh Jim is gonna love this!"

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