The State of Being

665 31 12

Everyone shot up and Victor and his wife stepped forwards immediately.

"That's us" He replied.

"Um... would you like to speak in private—" He frowned at the group.

"No. They can hear everything" He cut the man off.

"Very well" He nodded and checked his clipboard. "Cameron is out of surgery. We had to stop a few times, for his safety, which is why it took so long"

"Is he okay?" Cameron's sister Maya asked abruptly.

"Yes" The doctor nodded and everyone breathed a sigh of relief and hugged each other, his parents were crying. "He's okay"

"He suffered severe damage to his abdomen and some of his internal organs, luckily, nothing life-threatening. He won't be able to sit up much or walk for a few days, but we expect that he'll make a full recovery as long as we take things nice and slow and easy" The doctor elaborated, "He's right through there, room 126 if you'd like to see him"

Maya ran straight through the doors, Victor and Libby went to follow, but Finn's voice stopped them.

"What about Declan? Declan Eilistrae?" Finn asked. The room got quiet and they turned to the doctor.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you unless you're a spouse or next of kin" The doctor sighed.

"She doesn't have next of kin! Her mother is dead and her father's in prison!" Charlie argued angrily.

"She lived with us for many years, she's our daughter too" Libby said to the doctor. "Please"

"I'm sorry you guys" The doctor sighed, "If you're not legally related I can't disclose her information to you"

"Well there's no one then!" Caleb shouted at him, "She's 17! We're the only people she has!"

Jaeden put a calming hand on the boy's shoulder and he fell back, funding around and muttering angrily. Jaeden stepped forward. He walked up to the doctor.

"Please," He sighed, "She's our friend. We're worried sick. We just need to know if she's okay"

The doctor looked at Jaeden, then the group, then his clipboard, and then back to Jaeden.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do" He turned and everyone faltered.

"Hello?" A soft voice called from behind the group.

Everyone turned towards it to see a pretty girl in her late twenties: brown skin, dark curly hair, and honey brown eyes. She had what looked like a team waiting at the door.

"Who are you?" Charlie stepped forwards.

"Oh my god" Caleb gawked.

"You're... Dizzy" Jimmy mumbled, eyes wide.

"Yeah," The girl sighed. "I came as soon as I could"

"Came for what?" Jaeden frowned protectively.

"Dizzy...." A weak voice from behind the doctor spoke up, "is Declan's sister"

Everyone turned and the doctor stepped out of the way to reveal Cameron, leaning against Maya, clinging to a rolling IV bag.

"Mr Boyce—"

"Check. Under people with medical privileges. She's there" He mumbled tiredly to the pale man in the lab coat.

"Mr Boyce you really shouldn't be up" The doctor panicked as he tried to help hold Cameron up.

"I'm fine" Cam swatted him away.

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