Titles and Dresscode

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"Bye Cam! Drive away now! Please! GOODBYE!" Declan groaned loudly as she waited for him to stop talking Finn's ear off, tugging at his shirt sleeve.

Cam was dropping them off at their press venue, fifteen minutes late as expected after they had to stop at Caleb's to get Finn's stuff, and in the car, Cam had sparked the dreaded conversation.

"So.... are you guys officially dating orrrrr...????" Cam asked in a lull in conversation.

"CAMERON MICA BOYCE!" Declan screeched and smacked him from the passengers seat.

"AHHH! SHIT DECLAN! IT WAS JUST A QUESTION?!" He screeched back at her.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this!" Declan yelled and covered her face with her hands.

"What?! I just wanna know if it's like?! I don't knowww!!! Declan! Finn, help me out here!" Cam cried out, flustered.

"I don't think I can" Finn frowned.

"Declannnnn!" Cam smiled and shook her shoulder, her face still in her hands. "Come on! It was just a question!!"

"CAMMMMMM!!!" She whined, begging him to stop.

"Okay but we should like.... figure that out maybe?" Finn popped in from the backseat.

"FINN WOLFHARD SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!! STOPPPPP!" She bounced her legs anxiously and covered her ears.

"Declan?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Cam laughed at her, astonished at her unnatural behavior in the drivers seat. He had expected her to shrug wordlessly, not freak out.

"DONT 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME' ME!" She cried out, hitting him again.

"Declan! Honey! Calm down!" Now, even Finn was chuckling a little.

"Are you seriously laughing at me?!" Declan gawked.

"You're acting insane!" Finn defended.

"NO IM NOT YOU DONT GET IT!" She argued back, pressing her hands all around her face.

"Don't get what?!" Cam asked.

"The....! It's the... ughhhh I hate it I hate it I HATE IT!!" She cried out and hid her face again.

"Oh my god... you broke her" Finn looked to Cam.

"I did not!" Cam retorted, "Declan?! What do you hate?!"

"The pressure of it all oh my god! We can hold hands, you can put your arm around me, but NO WAY am I telling any publication we're dating so that they can pepper me with stupid fucking invasive questions I didn't even know they asked of 17 year olds!" Declan huffed and sank into her seat.

There was a pause as both boys took in what she had said.

"THATS IT?!" Cam screeched at her.

"CAMMMMM!!" She went again, hitting him and yelling.

"I'm sorry!" He cackled, "I've just never seen you so.... flustered! So uncomposed!" He laughed.

"You are the worst best friend ever!" Declan glared at him.

"Okay wait..." Finn interrupted their sibling banter, "You said we could hold hands and be together or whatever in public but.... we can't say we're dating?" Finn frowned.

"Yes. Absolutely no confirmation of our relationship. You can say you love me for all I care, but when they ask if we're dating, you either shrug, say we're great friends, or say no!" Declan stated explicitly.

"But won't they just say we're dating anyways?" Finn asked in confusion.

"Sure. But when they start asking questions, then you can reply with "Why would you say/ask that?" Or "How would I know?" And you don't have to deal with being a Hollywood couple that's bound to burn" Declan huffed.

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