Dangerous Waters and Warm Sweaters

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"Yessss! Oh my god a thousand times yes!" Millie exclaimed.

"At sunset tooooooo! Oh Declan you shouldn't have!" Sadie dramatized as she fell back against Declan, making everyone laugh.

"Only the best for you" Declan rolled her eyes, smiling and shoving Sadie gently forwards.

"What beach is this?! There's like no one here?!" Caleb asked in surprise.

"No clue. Probably private property. But I always come here" Declan explained.

"Where do I change??" Gaten asked anxiously.

"The little hut over there is a bathroom" Declan pointed and Millie, Sadie, Finn, and Gaten went to change. The others had their suits on underneath.

"Like the SMART CHILDREN WE ARE!!" Noah shouted, making Caleb and Declan laugh.

"Geniuses!" Caleb cried out.

"Masters" Declan added in a chuckle.

The others were back soon, and very excited.

"Ready?!" Gaten called out.

"Ready!" Millie giggled.

"1" Noah smiled.

"2" Finn grinned.

"3" Sadie smirked.

"GO!" Declan shouted and then they all ran out into the ocean, splashing and diving and swimming around.

The water was perfectly cool and the sunset turned it into fire and gold. They were shouting at each other across the noise, laughing and dunking each other; having breath-holding contests and trying to do handstands. Noah and Gaten competed to see how many flips they could do underwater before Millie intervened for a concern of them throwing up. Declan could obviously hold a handstand for the longest and Sadie was best at holding her breath, Caleb a close second. Suddenly Declan was out of the water and waking along the beach.

"Declan?" Finn called out. The group turned to her just in time to watch her run out on a gathering of rocks, expertly jumping gracefully from one rock to another, before diving into the water. The kids all gasped and held their breath until she came back up. She smiled, a dangerous flash in her eyes, and then all went running.

"Careful with your feet!" Declan warned.





The group protested as they made their way slowly across the rocks before jumping in.

"Oh my gosh Declan! You made that look easy!" Noah panted when he came back up.

"Sorry" Declan chuckled.

Once they were all in they swam in a little closer to shore. When Millie was looking around, she suddenly realized that the boys were missing.

"Wait? Where did the boys g-!"

Then, the girls were being pulled underwater. When they resurfaced, Sadie was between a hysterical Lucas and Gaten, Noah and Millie were sputtering, and Declan came up in Finn's arms.

Once underwater she had spun around and tried to kick him but he caught her legs, scooping them both up and grabbing around her waist as they came up.

"Oh you're both gonna get it!" Sadie yelled as she pounced on Caleb and Gaten. Millie joined her, pulling in a surprised Noah, who had been cackling at them, so no one really noticed when Finn didn't let go of Declan.

"Got you" He smirked, watching her face carefully.

Declan raised one eyebrow at the boy, a smile almost tugging at her lips.

"Hey you two!" Caleb called.

Finn looked up immediately, his cheeks pink and his mouth slightly open as he simply dropped Declan.

She shrieked as she fell into the water and the others started dying of laughter.

"Oh my god Finn!" Millie doubled over.

"Shit! I'm so sorry Declan!" Finn stumbled over his apology as she resurfaced, but she simply jumped up and pulled him under the water, holding him there for a second, making everyone laugh even more.

When he came up, Finn was sputtering and Declan was smiling, sitting in the water.

"She snatched you!" Caleb cackled as they came over.

"Thank you for the clarification" Finn replied sarcastically between coughs.

"It's almost dark" Sadie pouted, looking at the sky.

"Shall we?" Gaten smirked. The cast smiled fondly before sighing and heading up to the beach. Finn offered Declan a hand and she took it to stand up.

"Are there towels?" Noah's voice asked.

Declan nodded as she reached for her bag and took out the towels she had packed, handing them out along with everyone's respective sweaters.

"You have a Greers sweater?! No way!" Finn exclaimed as he saw Declan pull her own sweater out after drying off.

"Yeah my friend is the bassist" She noted.

"Are you kidding?!" Finn gaped.

"Here" She tossed the sweater to him. "I always buy them oversized, so it'll fit" She replied before the question had even been asked.

He smiled and tossed her his own sweater, which she tied around her waist.

"Ready?" Declan asked the group, smirking.

"Ugh! Do we have to goooo?" Sadie whined in protest as she stared at the sky.

"We'll be back" Caleb assures her as he took her hand and guided her back towards the group exiting.

Finn walked beside Declan at the front of the group in comfortable silence as the rest of the group chatted softly behind them. After about twenty minutes they reached the set again and hugged each other before parting ways.

"Thanks Declan" Sadie smiled and yawned.

"Yeah thank you" Caleb smiled.

"Today was awesome" Noah nodded.

"Agreed" Gaten rubbed his eyes.

"You can thank Millie for asking me" Declan replied, deflecting the gratitude onto someone else.

"Thanks Mills" Noah threw his arms around her.

"Thanks Millster. Good night everyone" Gaten smiled and went off towards his trailer.

"Thanks guys, see you tomorrow. Come on Schnapper" Millie smiled as the two headed off towards their section of trailers.

"Night Millie. Night Caleb. Night Declan" Sadie sighed as she waited for Finn, who hugged Caleb and stopped a moment in front of Declan.


"Keep it. It looks nice on you" She brushed her hands across his shoulders to smooth them out.

"Thanks" He smiled sheepishly. "Goodnight Declan"

"Goodnight Finn" She nodded before he left with Sadie in the direction of their trailers.

"Ready?" Caleb asked Declan, smiling.

"Yeah" She gave a small smile and they walked back to their trailers together.

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