Jam Sessions and Social Media Accounts

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It was only when Declan stood that the spell of stillness was broke. 

And suddenly everyone looked around them and noticed the lights and the noise.

"Oh my god!"

"The lights!"

"Holy shit!"

"Thank god!"

"Ohhh I get cold air againnnnn!" Sadie sighed happily. The poor girl really didn't do well in the heat.

As they chatted amongst themselves, Declan went around back and turned off her hand-made back up generator. Finn met her as she came back around.

"Hey" He breathed.

"Hey" She replied.


"Don't. I'm really fine. Promise" She said abruptly, then gave a small lip-twitch of a smile.

"Okay... well I'm glad" He nodded awkwardly.

There was a pause, and then Declan started moving. She hated empty spaces.

"Anything else?" She asked as they rounded the corner back towards the group.

"Yeah actually...." He replied, stopping.

She raised an eyebrow at him as she stood still as well and took out another cigarette.

"So you don't have any social media, right?" Finn asked, frowning as Declan lit the stick in her mouth.

"Right?" She nodded, frowning back in confusion.

"Right, well I was thinking... since you won't update the world on what you're doing... I kinda wanted to? Just every once in awhile" He explained calmly. Like it was nothing. He had been practicing this tone to use with Declan. Chill. Normal. Non-chalant. He hadn't really proven himself as those things thus far, and he knew that's what she wanted. No nonsense. No drama.

"You wanna run a social media account for me?" She scoffed, blowing out smoke.

"Not necessarily" He smirked nervously, "I just wanna post about you on my account... sometimes"

She stopped at that. The cigarette dangling in her mouth. Her eyebrows were furrowed at him.

"Your 50 million followers account?" She asked.

"Oh shut up it's not that many" He rolled his eyes.

"How many is it?" She arched an eyebrow, exhaling smoke again. He frowned at it, again.

"Don't know. Somewhere around 20" He shrugged, "What do you say?"

"We only have a week of filming left" She pointed out.

"Who says I haven't been documenting in the mean time?" He smirked.

"Oh you slyyyy mother" She shook her head and blew smoke into his face. He coughed and swatted it away.

"Hey! What the hell?! Gross!" He complained.

"Fine. You can do it" She smirked.

"Really?" Finn asked curiously.

"Do you want me to say no?" She replied coyly.

"No no no! Sweet. You won't regret it" He smiled, genuinely, and ran back to the group. Declan finished off her cigarette and followed after him.

She entered into a conversation about music the group was having. They all turned to her.

"You sing?!" Sadie accused her.

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