Stages of Anger

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Declan sighed as she took her clothes into the bathroom. She emerged a few minutes later with black mom jeans, a barely-tucked-in black oversized shirt, and black lace ankle socks on. She wore a silver chain around her neck and safety pin earrings with a chain loop belt. She ran her fingers through her messy short hair.

She began contemplating her life on set for the next few weeks with the new people in her life. With those old and new. With so much uncertainty yet so much possibility. She didn't know yet if she could trust these people, or what their intentions with her were.

Declan froze at the bottom of the stairs, mid-sigh, when she realized that everyone was staring at her.

"What's going on?" Declan asked the still room uneasily.

Millie came out from the clump of people waiting for her at the bottom of the steps.

"You were attacked?"


"Can't keep your mouth shut, huh?!" Declan huffed as she brush past them all.

"Wasn't me!" Cam defended, hands up.

"We were... uh... hiding when Finn made the call, he had no idea" Caleb quickly explained.

"Why didn't you guys say anything?!" Millie exclaimed.

"Are you okay?!" Noah asked.

Declan desperately wished for silence before she spoke.

"It didn't concern you all"

Her wishes weren't granted.

"You were dragging our drunk asses around all night after that happened??" Sadie marveled.

She tried again.

"Guys. It's not a huge deal. Security knows now. Just some weird man" She went to the sink and got herself some water, chugging a glass.

She really didn't want to do this all over again.

"It didn't exactly sound like "not a huge deal" when you guys were upstairs..." Gaten replied.

She shot him a glare.

"That's because I was being an idiot" Finn chimed in.


"Listen-" Declan started, but she didn't get very far.

"No" Finn cut her off. Everyone turned to him in confusion. "Declan doesn't need to defend herself. At least not to us" He stated. "She helped us all. I know I'm grateful, at least. We owe her a lot from over these past three days, and we can start paying it back by leaving her personal business alone"

The cast exchanged glances.

"All that matters is that everyone's okay and security knows, so he doesn't ever get to attack anyone again" Cam added.

There was a pause as the cast exchanged guilty glances. Declan rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you're right" Noah spoke up, "We appreciate it Declan, and we're sorry you had to go through it"

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