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"Have fun!" Millie teased them as they finally went to bed.

"We won't anymore!" Finn teased back, taking Declan's hand.

They said their goodbyes and entered their room, Finn slipping the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door before he closed it.

"Now... where were we?" He teased.

"No" She laughed at him.

"Can you believe that just happened?" He asked incredulously.

"I don't know yet" Declan sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"And Sadie and Caleb that day when we saw them coming out of his trailer?!" Finn exclaimed quietly.

"I know! Jeez I should've realized but I didn't think-! I mean Sadie!!" She whispered back.

"Stop stop stop!! I'm getting bad mental images!" Finn whined as he collapsed on top of her.

"Owwww Finnnn" She whined.

"This is cuddly" He hummed contently.

"This is hurting my arm" She corrected.

"Nooo" He moved it out from underneath him. "There"

"Considerate" She rolled her eyes and shoved him off her.

They laid down, facing each other, quiet, just looking. That same feeling from the hallway came back: that hollow feeling of glittery happiness. She moved closer to him. Finn was content just watching her, seeing how her face changed minutely as her brain was working hard to figure out what she wanted and why. She reached out and ran a hand through his hair, fingers lingering around the curl that always got in his face. She liked that one best.

"Can I kiss you?" Declan asked him. She felt the need to ask. To make sure.

"You don't need to ask?" He chuckled at her. "I always want you to kiss me"

She leaned forwards, one hand behind his head, pulling him closer, and kissed him hard, butterflies going crazy in her stomach. When she pulled away, Finn wasn't quite ready yet, trying to follow after her lips, but she was too quick. He restrained himself from groaning at her teasing. He leaned forwards and quickly pecked her on the lips before settling back down on his arm.

"You know, sometimes I think this can't be real" She said suddenly.

"Huh?" Finn frowned.

"I've never seen myself as a likeable person" She shrugged.

"Everyone adores you" Finn rolled his eyes.

"Not true" She deadpanned.

"You'd be surprised at how many people think you're God" He chuckled, bumping her with his knee softly.

"That kind of liking isn't real, and it isn't what I'm talking about" She rolled her eyes.

"Oh... you mean why I love you?" Finn said calmly.

"You don't have to phrase it like that" Declan frowned and looked away.

"What? You don't like it when I say I love you?" Finn frowned right back at her.

"No no it's not that... I just find it.... a lot. A little overwhelming" She sighed. "Lovable is not a word I'd use to describe myself either"

"Loving you is different than how I've loved anyone else, I'll admit that" Finn chuckled as he ran a finger along the side of her face.

"Why?" She asked hesitantly.

"Well, you see, it's not a conscious thing, like it has been before, you know? I don't have to tell myself I love you or tell other people or even tell you, really. It's just like second nature. Everything I do, I do for you now; and when you're happy, I'm happy; and when you're upset, I'm upset; and when you're gone from me, it's like the oxygen has left the room and I'm scrambling through whatever needs to be done to get back to you. You take up the space in my brain so fully and consistently. And that's why it's special, when I get to say it... you know? When I tell you I love you. Because it's not a revelation, it's always there. Constantly. Consistently. So when I say it, it's explicit: like I'm taking all of that constant emotion and pining it down. It's like I'm taking everything and telling you: "This. This feeling. You. You are the most important thing to me. Always", you know?" He rambled, blushing slightly, adding the last bit to sound more casual than the very deep feelings he was unused to expressing at the moment.

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