Spice Girl (Zig-a-Zig-ah!)

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Three days later, it was Friday.

"Anddddd that's a wrap!" Ross called out.

The entire cast cheered and champagne bottles were heard popping. Everyone turned to the nearest person and hugged them.

"We did it!" Sadie squeezed Declan.

"Hell yeah!" Noah and Caleb high fived.

Gaten and Millie were just jumping up and down and screeching.

Finn was being carried around by Joe and Charlie while Natalia and Cara smiled and laughed at them, arm in arm.

Everyone started mixing and mingling, more people entering the studio and getting food and drinks and yelling and taking pictures.

Finn snaked through the crowd and made his way to Declan, pulling her away from her conversation with Sadie and picked her up, spinning her around.

"Finn!" Declan exclaimed in protest.

"Sorry" He smirked, setting her down, "Had to" He reached up and smoothed her messy short black curls back.

"Come on" She rolled her eyes and lead them towards their friends.


That night everyone was in Declan and Cam's trailer. There was food and drinks and music playing, the lights a soft orange color, as everyone sat in the living room space on the couches and beanbags, talking and laughing and sharing stories. Declan sat between Finn and Sadie, Sadie's head resting on her lap and Finn sitting next to her with his arm draped casually around her shoulders. Natalia and Charlie were cuddled on the couch. Millie, Noah, and Dove sat across from Declan, Sadie, and Finn. Caleb and Gaten were by the sound system picking music and Cameron and Joe were in the kitchen, talking.

In the midst of everyone, someone asked the question.

"So press tours next, huh?"

The cast exchanged looks and various levels of excitement and begrudgence.

"Declan... you coming?" Noah asked carefully.

"Yeah Strae, you making your press debut?!" Caleb called from over by the music.

"Yeah, a few cities" Declan took a sip of her drink.

"Oh yay!" Millie smiled and gripped Noah's hand.

"So why don't you usually do press?" Sadie asked from below her, looking up at the girl.

Everyone quieted and waited. Declan shot a glance at Cam.

"I had a lot of issues with press when I was younger. Just made me feel... subhuman. Examined and prodded and especially as a private person... We just decided it was best for me not to" She replied non-chalantly.

"What happened? When you were younger, I mean?" Gaten asked.

"Hey lets leave it alone, it obviously wasn't pleasant, we all know how press can be" Charlie spoke up on her behalf.

"Right, of course. Sorry" Gaten replied quickly.

"No worries" Declan gave a small smile and Finn's grip tightened on her shoulders.

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